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Switch to organic makeup!

For several years now, brands of organic make-up grow exponentially. The reason ? A common desire to protect the environment t and preserve biodiversity. What is organic make-up? Ethical resources, sustainable manufacturing processes or waste reduction, the specifications of the labels are more and more demanding. Why choose organic make-up? Without chemicals or endocrine disruptors, it respects the health of your skin and offers a range of healthy products and quality. Let's find out together why use organic make-up allows you to take care of yourself, while doing something for the planet!

What is organic make-up?

Respect for the environment:organic makeup

The organic make-up is made from natural ingredients grown or produced with respect for the environment. In this approach, the elements that go into its composition come from sustainable processes such as organic farming , permaculture, picking, etc. These cultivation methods exclude the use of chemical fertilizers or other polluting phytosanitary products for water, soil and biodiversity. Disaster for the protection of primary forests, palm oil is not an authorized ingredient. Another example is the cotton cultivation :very greedy in water and cultivated on the other side of the Earth , this resource has a real impact on the environment.

Sustainable manufacturing processes

The production of organic make-up and the resources it involves are also regulated. While methods based on " green chemistry " are permitted, those using heavy chemicals or petrochemicals are not. Cold press (vegetable oils), saponification (soaps), neutralization, esterification, hydrolysis, fermentation or oxidation-reduction are processes qualified as " gentle " for the environment.

Chemical-free makeup

Switch to organic makeup!

To be considered "organic", makeup must not contain harmful chemicals for health or the planet. Among the most common ingredients that make up conventional makeup , we will quote:

  • sulphates;
  • silicones ;
  • mineral oils;
  • synthetic fragrances;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • BHAs and BHTs.

This list is far from being exhaustive. Widely used in classic cosmetics , these elements have a significant impact on the environment and on biodiversity. You still wonder why choose organic makeup ?

Organic makeup:reducing waste

Brands of organic cosmetics are committed to reducing their waste production. However, this approach applies to both the container and the content. In practice, the product itself may consist of ingredients that are biodegradable or not harmful to the environment. Promoting recycled, recyclable or biodegradable materials such as glass or cardboard limits the production of waste . The must :turn to solid cosmetics free from packaging. The refillable makeup is also growing more and more. The goal is to banish plastic, responsible for nearly 75% of marine litter found in the seas and oceans.

Organic makeup and animal protection

You are sensitive to the animal cause ? Certain ranges of organic make-up refuse animal testing and animal-derived ingredients . If most "organic" labels have excluded this clause from their specifications, you can nevertheless turn to the mentions cruetly-free or vegan . Not regulated by the European Commission, they nevertheless guarantee that the product has been manufactured under conditions that respect animal health . Read the labels carefully!

Switch to organic makeup!

Why choose organic make-up?

Benefit from healthy and natural products

Why choose organic make-up? By definition, this type of cosmetic contains at minimum 95% natural ingredients and 10% ingredients from organic farming. This is what the ECOCERT certification body recommends. which certifies the products thanks to its label. Thus, buying organic makeup means choosing to benefit from healthy and natural products . Formulated with vegetable oils (argan oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, etc.), shea butter , green or white clay, mineral pigments, beeswax, etc., it allows you to benefit from all the benefits of nature. Most ? You can keep your beauty routine usual.

Organic makeup:taking care of your health

Investing in organic make-up protects against elements harmful to health. If the skin is an effective barrier , it nevertheless absorbs many external particles. This process applies especially to makeup that stays on your face for several hours. Made up of permeable mucous membranes , the eyes and lips are particularly sensitive to it. The skin around the eye contour , on the other hand, is very thin and is more easily penetrated by chemicals .

Why buy organic make-up? By opting for this approach, you prevent your skin from absorbing all kinds of toxins such as endocrine disruptors , mineral oils, BHT or BHA, pigments and synthetic fragrances , allergens, sulfates, etc. Very controversial, these elements are to be banned from your habits. Ready to start a 100% natural beauty routine ?

Organic makeup for all skin types

Switch to organic makeup!

Thanks to its healthy composition, organic make-up suitable for all skin types. Oily skin, combination skin , dry skin or normal skin, it meets all needs. Rich in natural active ingredients, it is suitable for sensitive skin , prone to irritation or acne-prone. Why choose organic make-up? In practice, organic make-up is made from ingredients of vegetable origin (vegetable waxes and oils, essential oils , shea butter, etc.) or mineral (green or white clay, zinc, etc.) and does not contain irritating or aggressive substances.

The gentle formulation organic make-up limits the risk of allergic reactions or the appearance of redness. Finally, its light texture lets the skin breathe without clogging pores.

Organic makeup:quality at the right price

If the price of organic make-up may have seemed high a few years ago, this is no longer the case. Innovative and audacious, the organic cosmetics brands have been able to adapt their prices and expand their offer. In terms of product quality, the gap between organic make-up and classic make-up is non-existent today. Why buy organic make-up? From now on, mascara, lipsticks , foundations, blushes , eyeshadow or eyeliner present exceptional colors . The result is also impeccable in terms of texture, coverage and finish.

The most? The rendering is all the more natural than with traditional makeup . The only exception is nail polish, which requires specific solvents to ensure long-lasting hold.

Organic makeup during pregnancy

Why use organic makeup ? Unsurprisingly, the make up organic is particularly suitable for pregnant women . Indeed, the endocrine disruptors contained in classic make-up can have a significant impact on the functioning of hormones and the development of the fetus.

If you are pregnant , however, avoid cosmetics based on essential oils . Very powerful, they are not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy , as they can lead to complications (miscarriage, contractions, etc.).

Why choose organic make-up? Composed of natural ingredients and obtained using sustainable manufacturing processes, organic makeup is all the rage in the world of beauty. Mascaras, foundations, blush, lipsticks, eye shadows , they now have nothing to envy to classic make-up . Are you ready to transform your habits for a 100% natural beauty routine ?