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Dry shampoo:more popular than ever, 2 bottles are sold every second

Dry shampoo has revolutionized the world of beauty:no more hasty showers that delay the morning, a few sprays are enough to remove the dreaded greasy hair effect. The number 1 brand in the field is Batiste, which over the years has released a whole range of bombs with intoxicating scents that include sweet or floral notes. The brand recently unveiled figures that confirm the popularity of the product:2.2 bombs are sold every second! And the success story is not about to stop since the dry shampoo industry, which was worth 2.6 billion euros in 2017, is expected to bring in up to 3.5 billion euros by 2022.

A product that does not clean the hair

So how does the miracle cosmetic work? Dry shampoo does not clean the hair, it just absorbs grease and oil when it comes into contact with the scalp. This is the reason why it is still necessary to wash your hair regularly (we tell you how to make a perfect shampoo, too!) and not to abuse the shampoo too much which, in the long run, suffocates the scalp and the follicles hairy forming a layer. This can lead to hair thinning or loss. So keep a light hand with your bomb and put it away in the closet for several days after use!