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Ginger men are more popular thanks to the 'Ed Sheeran effect'

Freckles, long denigrated, have been rehabilitated in recent years:they are celebrated in the world of fashion and beauty and have even become an envied characteristic, which makes a person special (at the same time, only 0.50% of the world population is redheaded). As proof, the first magazine in the world devoted to redhead beauty was launched last February. Today, a very official study confirms the popularity of redheaded men with these ladies, and the relatively recent phenomenon is due to… Ed Sheeran. The British polling company OnePoll has indeed conducted a survey of 175 redheads and 1,000 women to determine how they have been perceived since the dazzling success of the 26-year-old singer discovered in 2011. And we can say that the charisma of the artist has benefited those who sport, like him, a flamboyant mane.

Fewer jokes and more compliments

1 in 5 men between the ages of 25 and 34 admitted to attracting much more attention from women in recent years, and a majority of respondents explained that they were the subject of much less jokes or teasing about their hair color. Best of all, they get more compliments! As for the women surveyed, 1 in 3 said they had a much more positive perception of redheads since Ed Sheeran conquered the world of music. 1 in 20 even prefer freckles to any other hair color. “It’s no surprise that redheads get more attention. It is a hair color that is seen on male and female celebrities, like Emma Stone and Isla Fisher […]. Ed Sheeran has shown that his appearance has no effect on his talent, which is encouraging more and more people to accept their natural color. It seems that the more flamboyant the red, the better “, told the site Metro an employee who followed the study closely. That's a good news ! So okay, we recognize all the seductive potential of Ed Sheeran, but we are surprised that Prince Harry did not trigger such a phenomenon before him!