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More and more women are ashamed when they are naked

More and more women are ashamed when they are naked

"You are beautiful just the way you are," is a beautiful motto, but when it comes to ourselves, we find it hard to live up to this. Many women in the Netherlands are ashamed of their naked bodies.

The numbers
We mostly feel fat, white and dissatisfied. 47 percent are ashamed of their stomach and a large part feel inferior. Two in ten women say they are not ashamed of anything and 11 percent feel confident when they are naked.

We are more and more ashamed
These figures came from the nude research of healthy NU. The same study was done three years ago. If you put the studies side by side, you will see that we are increasingly ashamed. The group that does feel good naked is also getting smaller:then it was a quarter, now only 11 percent.

Why are we so ashamed?
It seems to be related to the fact that cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more accessible. Social media also plays a part in the pursuit of perfection. There we present the ideal version of ourselves. Those who look at themselves from a distance are more likely to judge themselves negatively.

Read more:Golden rule for a better self-image