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Second-hand clothing, more trendy than ever!

Second-Hand Clothing are now the best possible option for people who want to afford clothes that fit their wallets and their desires. We take stock of this new mode of consumption , which far from being an ephemeral trend, is profoundly shaking up the fashion world today.

The second-hand clothing market in a few figures

In the United States, the used clothing market was worth 24 billion dollars in 2019 , compared to 21.2 billion euros in 2018, and only 11 billion dollars, or 9.72 billion euros in 2012. It should in principle reach 51 billion dollars, or 45 billion euros by 2023 .

On the French market, it is valued by the Institut France de la Mode (IFM) at 1 billion euros.

30% of French people bought second-hand clothing in 2018, compared to half as many in 2010.

Young people are the biggest converts to this trend.Millennials between the ages of 25-37 account for 33% of total second-hand consumers .

Second-hand clothes:many advantages

A definite economic advantage

The purchase of second-hand clothing provides a definite economic advantage compared to new clothes.

In addition to being 4 to 5 times cheaper than new , second-hand clothing is an opportunity for everyone to wear clothes from big brands, until then, only reserved for the privileged:luxury leather bags, designer clothes or even high-end jewelry, you can find magnificent pieces used.

A gesture for the planet

Buying second-hand clothing is a strong gesture in favor of the planet , simply because recycling, reusing pieces that have had their day, is much more ecological than buying a new wardrobe every season. To go even further in this eco-responsible approach, mend or resell your clothes in case you no longer need them rather than throwing them away. You will thus fight against unnecessary waste and will surely make people happy.

Clothes often of better quality than those of Fast-Fashion

Second-hand clothing is resistant and less toxic for the environment and for humans, unlike new ones which are full of many toxic products for the body. After several washes and uses by other people, second-hand clothes are less toxic and have often been made with more care.

"It was better before" you say? This is indeed the case when it comes to the second-hand market!

Vintage is ultra trendy

Fashion has always been an eternal restart. It is only thanks to the second hand that it is easy to find authentic clothes that are becoming trendy again . In addition, vintage fashion allows you to choose your own style of dress without being forced to follow the trends imposed by the manufacturers.

Fashion from the 90s has been making a comeback in particular lately and fashionistas are bringing out vintage pieces from their wardrobes:crop-tops, combat-shoes or Dr Martens, track-pants, etc.

So many authentic models that you can find elsewhere than in thrift stores or in trendy empty dressing rooms such as Once Again.

You can also find magnificent products from the great fashion designers of the time:Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Lacroix, Christian Dior... for fans of truly beautiful quality products.

Second-hand clothing is ideal at certain times of life

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on new clothes that won't be used for a very short time, second-hand clothes are ideal for adapting your wardrobe to every physical change:a pregnancy, a loss or a weight gain. With the opportunity, you buy less, without the risk of regretting later.

Second-hand clothes are also more practical for children, who are growing up rapidly .

The pleasure of renewing your wardrobe more often

Thanks to the second hand, renewing your wardrobe becomes child's play . The advantage with the second hand is that you can find a bit of everything, of very good quality and at a lower cost. Everyone is always served at their fair value and it is not uncommon to come across nuggets from well-known designers at ultra attractive prices! Flea markets, thrift stores and others always have real surprises in store for its customers.

In summary:second-hand clothing we love!

Buying second-hand clothes has several advantages and we understand why it is so appreciated by all.

  • It is 4 or 5 times cheaper than new clothing
  • Second-hand clothes are practical at certain times of life:maternity, weight gain or loss etc…
  • Second-hand clothing is the most economical solution for a trendy and constantly updated wardrobe.
  • Vintage fashion is ultra-trendy and full of authentic, high-quality pieces.
  • Buying a second-hand item of clothing is environmentally friendly, as it saves us waste; after use it is possible to resell it or offer it to associations for donations.
  • Second-hand clothing is of better quality and less toxic than current clothing.
  • The second-hand market, and in particular second-hand clothing, is very fashionable and ultra-trendy because it is attracting increasingly younger targets.