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The right things to do for dream hair this summer

Every year it's the same thing, the holidays are approaching and we can already see ourselves playing the mermaid on the beach with our beautiful hair! Unfortunately, the reality is often quite different because with sea salt, UV rays and sand, our poor hair often has a hard time holding up. Now is the perfect time to prepare them for the summer!

At the hairdresser

To properly prepare the hair, it is good to go to the hairdresser to have the ends cut (=we get rid of what is damaged). This is especially true if you don't do it very often. We don't worry about the lengths, they will grow back quickly (hair grows faster this season and anyway, who wants long damaged hair?!). If we want to refresh the color, we inform our hairdresser of our vacation plans, he will adapt the chosen shade to prevent it from turning (too blond if we go in the sun, too green if we spend the summer in the swimming pool). We are also thinking of getting special colo products to use during the summer period. Among other things, they make it possible to reinforce the duration and radiance of our color, abused by sea salt, chlorine and the sun.

At home

Step oh so important for healthy hair:hydration. We start with a care routine two months before leaving on vacation, at the rate of at least one moisturizing mask per week (if this is not already the case). You can do it easily with the ingredients from the cupboard:you mix an egg yolk with two tablespoons of olive oil then add a fresh yogurt and two tablespoons of honey to obtain an effective moisturizer, rich in protein and minerals. We mix everything to obtain a smooth texture, which we then apply to the whole of the hair and which we leave on for up to 2 hours before shampooing (and there, we rinse well, even if it means doing 2 washes for remove the mask). Another option for those who reject cooking:the vegetable oil bath. Ideally, it is done the day before shampooing, by coating the hair (yes, yes, even the roots) with jojoba, coconut or even olive oil, which is applied by massaging the scalp using of the fingertips. In the quick version (the day of the wash, therefore), wrap the hair in a hot towel and leave it on for about twenty minutes. The massage activates blood circulation and oxygenates the capillary vascular system while the heat released by the towel opens the hair scales which absorb the treatment much better.

With her tips, our hair will be sublime this summer, we can go on vacation with complete peace of mind!