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Colour:blorange, the star shade of winter

Autumn was marked by the mauve-chocolate hair trend, a subtle blend of purple and chestnut, but a return to warmer colors is announced for winter with blorange! A contraction of "blond" and "orange", this new shade was created by professional Alex Brownsell of the Bleach London salon located in the Dalston district, northeast of the English capital. To achieve this color straight out of his imagination, the London hairdresser called on his muse:the model Georgia May Jagger (who is none other than the daughter of Mick Jagger). And the result, posted by the young woman on Instagram, won us over!

A deliberately faded David Bowie orange

Pastel tones fit perfectly with the somewhat gloomy aspect of the season, but the orange hue brings a certain freshness that already heralds spring. If you've fallen in love with blorange, here's how it's done at home:Alex Brownsell first dyed the hair a bright orange, David Bowie style, then gradually 'undid' the color until you got a faded effect . To do this, he first used a shade that tends to red, then a second that tends to yellow. Tada! Be careful though, before jumping into the water, you should know that orange is one of the most difficult colors to get rid of. But the advantage is that as “washing out” is the very principle of blorange, we are not afraid of shampoos and the passing weeks! Well, we still recommend going through the hairdresser box, unless you have experience in terms of color...

So, tempted by this original color?