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Fashion:a trick to avoid the winter blues

The arrival of autumn and then winter implies changes in food, lifestyle, mood and of course clothing. Warmer materials have come out of the cupboards, but also darker colors:black, gray, navy blue... Many rely on sobriety when the weather is not kind. Coordinating your outfits with the environment is natural according to Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, because it helps not to denote the frame:"Sunlight is less strong in winter and the more cloudy days, so it's hard for the eye to cope with the glare ". Conversely, strong natural light in summer “makes it easier for the eye to be exposed to an additional light source i.e. brightly colored clothes. Despite everything, the expert recommends adding a touch of color to our dark looks, which would have the effect of avoiding sinking into the blues linked to shorter days and depressing weather.

A positive effect on oneself and on others

A poppy red scarf (the ultimate color of seduction!) on a black coat, mustard yellow gloves to brighten up a navy down jacket or even a pink cap that can be spotted from several tens of meters around, the effort can be minimal, but the improvement in mood will be felt. So how to explain the phenomenon? Simply by the now undeniable influence of colors on emotions. “When we see certain colors, we associate them with things, and these associations are linked to the state of mind and the attitudes they provoke in us says Leslie Harrington of the American Color Association. Thus, bright and warm hues make us feel better, especially yellow and green which transmit very positive vibrations. “In the same way that the sun can brighten up everyday life, you can bring about this feeling of hope by wearing yellow […] It can start a chain reaction, which communicates good mood and to the person who wears colors, and to those who cross his path “, explains the expert to the Huffington Post US . And to conclude:“Because the colors are not the norm, they attract attention and other people tend to like them and comment “Oh, you look good today. I love this color ". It helps to build self-confidence .

Well, there is definitely no reason to deprive yourself of it! 3, 2, 1… In your colors!