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We tested the Detoxygene treatment at the Guinot Institute

What is the Detoxygen treatment?

» A complete facial treatment suitable for all skin types, including the double anti-toxin and anti-pollution action, which deeply detoxifies and re-oxygenates the epidermis. Particularly suitable for dull and tired complexions, this one-hour treatment targets city dwellers, but not only. It will also be perfect for people who work in a confined or polluted environment, those who have a stressful lifestyle or who accumulate small excesses (poor diet, lack of sleep, etc.). In short, anyone who wants to makeover!

Why do we love?

First, for the atypical protocol. After make-up removal and an enzymatic (with papaya extract) and mechanical (with Cellulose grains) exfoliation to eliminate dead cells, comes the mask break, immediately after and not at the end of the treatment as is usually done. . Applied to an ultra-fine gauze, this mask with green clay from Velay (Auvergne) acts like a pollution magnet by capturing and eliminating polluting particles. It is only after the pause and the rinsing of the mask that the reoxygenating massage takes place, based on Purisoft serum (Moringa seed extract). An energetic massage that activates microcirculation by alternating pressure points, smoothing and pinching, perfect for relaxing tense facial muscles and above all getting energy to (re)circulate. We really felt our skin "relive" under the beautician's nimble fingers! And was able to appreciate at the exit a skin really brighter, softer, but also perfectly hydrated. A bit as if we had combined sleeping in and walking in the fresh air!

We try!

Guinot Détoxygen cabin treatment, from €65 for 1 hour. To be extended at home by daily use of products from the Bioxygen range (cleansing foam, serum and cream). Care and products available in Guinot institutes.