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Dental care:can we save the annual visit to the dentist?

The ideal frequency for a visit to the dentist

The ideal frequency to go to the dentist depends on many factors. Generally, a control visit should take place about once a year. It is essential to maintain oral health. In particular, this helps to prevent pathologies of the teeth and gums. This frequency can vary according to the person's age, history, dental hygiene and risk factors such as alcohol and tobacco consumption or poor diet. In any case, you should never be satisfied with the routine visit to the dentist. Any pain or discomfort in the mouth should alert. Indeed, a cavity treated late can have unfortunate consequences, even requiring the extraction of the tooth. It is advisable never to wait to make an appointment.

Good reasons to go to the dentist

There are 1001 reasons to go to the dentist. Often out of fear, women prefer to underestimate the ailments they encounter. You should know that bleeding gums while brushing your teeth is not normal. This may indicate gum disease. The risk is the loss of one or more teeth, but also infections. Tooth loss is also caused by the presence of untreated cavities. If you suffer from bad breath, a visit to the dentist can only be a good idea. All pregnant women should also make an appointment to make sure there are no problems. Gum disease can result in a baby being born prematurely or being underweight. Few people are aware of it, but the condition of the mouth can affect general health. You should know that poor dental health could be a risk factor for diabetes. Periodontitis could be responsible for gastric ulcers. Gum disease and dental problems are linked to the human papilloma virus, which causes almost 80% of oral cancers. It is essential to take care of your mouth and to be particularly vigilant about your oral hygiene.

Tips for not going there too often!

A woman who has impeccable oral hygiene obviously has less reason to go to the dentist too often. To do this, brush your teeth two to three times a day, at least 2 minutes per brushing. At noon, for all women who do not return home and do not have the opportunity to brush their teeth, it is advisable to chew a sugar-free chewing gum after the meal. In the evening, it is recommended to complete the brushing by using dental floss or an irrigator jet. Also be aware that electric toothbrushes are more effective than manual toothbrushes and remove more plaque. It is also beneficial to wait an hour after a meal before brushing your teeth. Some acidic foods weaken tooth enamel. Immediate brushing may amplify the phenomenon.