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Does brushing your teeth prevent bad breath?

Common causes of bad breath

In general, bad breath, also called halitosis, is due to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, responsible for an unpleasant odor. The presence of these bacteria often results from a lack of daily oral hygiene, but not only. Dry mouth can be responsible for bad breath. This dryness can be caused by stress, smoking, certain medications, and by breathing through the mouth, especially in the case of a stuffy nose. Some foods are known to cause unpleasant breath, and are therefore inadvisable on dates. Avoid garlic and shallots! Improper toothbrushing can also lead to complications. Food residue tends to get stuck between teeth and gums, accumulating bacteria. The accumulation of dental plaque does not provide a fresh and pleasant breath. You should also know that morning breath rarely smells of mint, as bacteria have the annoying habit of multiplying during sleep.

Brushing teeth not always effective against bad breath

You should know that brushing your teeth does not always work miracles in terms of breath. He can deceive for a few minutes, and that's it. In the case of the consumption of certain foods, brushing the teeth is ineffective. Bad smells come from the digestive tract, so there is no choice but to wait for them to be digested. Among the foods to avoid in certain romantic situations, we find most alliums, namely leeks, garlic, onions, shallots and chives. A small trick concerning garlic is to remove the germ located in the clove. In general, avoid eating them raw! To overcome these bad breath problems, a few (temporary) solutions are available to you. You can make a mouthwash after brushing, stuff yourself with mint chewing gum or specific refreshing candies. Among grandmother's remedies, there is chewing parsley leaves, crunching anise seeds, fennel or cardamom. You can also suck on a cinnamon stick. Still need to have some on hand!

Tips for regaining good breath

To combat bad breath, it is important to determine the cause. In the measures to be taken, you can start by having impeccable dental hygiene. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, for 2 real minutes. Brushing your teeth is not enough. Brushing your tongue helps reduce bacteria in your mouth. The use of dental floss is also important in addition to daily brushing. Prefer its use in the evening to help remove all food residues and fight dental plaque. Do not hesitate to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash recommended for daily use. The last tip is to drink enough water.