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Does sunscreen prevent tanning?

A pretty tanned complexion without burns or sunburn, is it possible? In summer like winter, it is essential to protect your skin rays of the sun. Applying sun protection adapted protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. True or false:Does sunscreen prevent tanning? UV index, UV index, skin type, your tan depends on many parameters! Explanations.

How do I choose my sunscreen?

Why use sunscreen?

Skin and tanning:the role of melanin

melanin is a natural pigment contained in skin cells that colors the epidermis, hair and body hair. Indispensable, it plays an essential role during skin exposure under the sun. Its quantity is linked to genetics and varies from one individual to another. It is notably responsible for the difference in skin color and tanning. Thus, dark skin , containing more melanin, are better protected from sun rays . Conversely, fair skin will be more sensitive and will have a lighter tan .

In practice, melanin activates two to three days after exposure, regardless of its duration and intensity. This is why it is imperative to use a sunscreen adapted to your skin type . But can you tan with sunscreen ?

The dangers of prolonged exposure to the sun

Does sunscreen prevent tanning?

solar radiation consists of several types of waves , namely visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, cosmic radiation and ultraviolet rays. The ultraviolet rays or UV rays are divided into two categories:UVA and UVB . If they promote the synthesis of vitamin D , they can also have a significant impact on the skin.

The UVA penetrate deep into the epidermis and are responsible for skin aging and the appearance of pigment spots . UVB , meanwhile, are less harmful, but can cause redness, sunburn or burns. In the long term, melanomas or cancers are likely to develop. This is why it is essential to protect yourself with sunscreen suitable for prolonged exposure in the sun.

Does sunscreen prevent tanning?

Tanning and sunscreen

Does sunscreen prevent tanning? No need to prolong the suspense any longer:your tan does not depend on your sunscreen. On the other hand, it protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays . Because melanin takes a few days to activate, it is essential to protect your skin with a sunscreen product. Thus, it is colored gradually until it sports a pretty natural tan .

50 or 30 indices:the different UV indices

The UV index quantifies the effectiveness of sunscreens against ultraviolet radiation. It is also called SPF or "Sun Protection Factor" (in English, SPF for Sun Protection Factor) and comes in several levels :

  • low UV index (from 6 to 10) ;
  • the average UV index (from 15 to 25) ;
  • high UV index (from 30 to 50) ;
  • very high UV index (50 and +).

How to tan with sunscreen? The UV index of your sunscreen should be chosen according to your skin type (carnation and ability to tan) and the external conditions. Note that the total screen no longer exists since 2007. Indeed, it is impossible to completely stop the ultraviolet rays .

Does sunscreen prevent tanning?

How to choose your organic sunscreen?

Know your skin type

How to choose your sunscreen , it is essential to take into account your skin type . Fair skin types will need a protection index higher than dark to black skin. If they are less sensitive, dark complexions are still susceptible to sunburn . In addition, each individual tans differently. Thus, some skins adapt more quickly and will need less strong protection .

The must ? Opt for an organic sunscreen, formulated with ingredients of natural origin!

Take local UV index into account

UV Index indicates the intensity of ultraviolet radiation at a given point and the health risk it represents. Like the UV index, there are several levels :

  • low UV index (from 1 to 2) ;
  • moderate UV index (from 3 to 4) ;
  • high UV index (from 5 to 6) ;
  • very strong UV index (7 to 8).

In some places, the UV index can reach 9 and more. It is linked to the climate (continental, Mediterranean, etc.), time of year (summer or winter), weather conditions and environment. For example, the sea or the snow tend to condense UV rays , hence the importance of using sun protection .

Does sunscreen prevent tanning? An essential partner for your holidays in the snow or by the sea, the sun cream protects the epidermis from ultraviolet rays . Applied regularly, it slows skin aging and limits the appearance of pigment spots . You still have to choose it well!

Does sunscreen prevent tanning?