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Botox injections in the feet, the fashionable trend in England

Decidedly, the end of year celebrations are an opportunity for many to send a very positive image to family members and friends. Recently, a study published by experts showed that cosmetic surgery operations were on the rise in the United States, for the simple and good reason that people want to be on top of their New Year's Eve selfies! Well it would seem that the British, and more particularly women, are not left behind in the face of the trend… As Christmas approaches, more and more of them are likely to undergo botox injections… in their feet ! Dr Esho, owner of the clinics of the same name, explained to The Independent that a 15% increase had been observed for this surprising intervention at this time of the year. But what is the goal? No, not especially to have beautiful feet (there is foot contouring, for that… hum hum), but simply to reduce the pain caused by wearing high heels. Clever!

A dermal filler that creates a cushion under the foot

So how does it work ? Botox and a dermal filler are injected into four areas of the foot. The first has the effect of preventing the foot from sweating and expanding (which makes the shoe uncomfortable), and the second, injected at the ball of the foot, acts as a small additional cushion. It is clearly specified as "additional" since there is already a natural fat pad in this place, but the size of which decreases with age. This is why some of Dr. Esho's patients are women in their 50s and 60s who wear "very expensive but painful shoes". However, women aged 25-35 are starting to flock in, and their choice of shoes is, still according to the doctor, the latest fashionable pumps. Know, however, before taking the plunge (it is the case to say it!) that the operation costs between 715 and 950 euros and lasts between 3 and 4 months.

If you find the intervention rather useful, you should keep in mind the advice of the specialist, who does not recommend using and abusing botox in the feet:"Pain is a signal that means that something something is wrong ". So better keep your little pair of ballerinas in your bag to make sure you dance until the end of the night!