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Beautifully cared for feet in the summer:homemade in an environmentally friendly way

Groomed feet that look beautiful in sandals and flip flops don't have to be time consuming or need expensive products. You can easily make your own foot bath, peeling and care cream with valuable vegetable oils and fragrant essential oils. Another advantage:the ingredients do not pollute the environment, contain no questionable ingredients and help to avoid unnecessary waste. In addition, health benefits, because whoever bathes, rubs and creams purely vegetable, does something against unsightly calluses, strengthens the immune system and promotes one's own well-being.

The tip for foot care at home: valuable almond oil. It has been valued for centuries for its nourishing properties. It is very suitable as a massage oil for all skin types and can also be perfectly mixed with essential oils. Since it is very similar in chemical structure to human skin, it penetrates deeply. If the skin is still damp, no (greasy) film is left behind when applying. The application in combination with a previously carefully sprayed plant water works well here. Almond oil promotes cell regeneration and effectively protects the skin against external influences.

Foot bath, peeling, cream:the three steps for beautiful feet

To make your feet look beautiful in sandals, we recommend a program of foot bath, peeling and care cream.

Recipe for a refreshing foot bath
3 tbsp salt or milk
3 drops peppermint
2 drops spearmint
1 drop basil

Add essential oils to the salt or milk and add to the water. The foot bath should not be warmer than 38 degrees and last no longer than ten minutes. It ensures a soft skin and optimally prepares the feet for further care.

Recipe “spruce needle” foot bath:Refreshing and strengthening the immune system 
1 tablespoon salt (natural)
3 drops lemon
2 drops spruce needle (bone. Siberian spruce)

Drop the essential oils into the salt and stir everything together. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and fill with water at body temperature. Put your feet in it and let warmer water flow to below your knees, for example from a thermos, and slowly increase the temperature of the foot bath. Be careful not to get too hot (max. 40/41 degrees). This application is called “ascending foot bath”. It supports the defense. Soak in the bath for about 10-15 minutes. Wrap your feet in warm socks. It is a special treat to spread some lotion on your feet, put your legs up and enjoy a period of rest. Nice side effect: wonderfully cared for feet!

Winter green foot bath – effective against summer infections

A foot bath is one of the most time-tested home remedies for strengthening the immune system. Done in time, many colds can be averted at the first symptoms. This can also be good in the summer, when infections due to the higher outside temperatures are experienced as particularly unpleasant. The foot bath improves blood circulation and warms the feet comfortably without overheating, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes in the nasopharynx, the abdominal organs, the urinary tract and the intestine. In addition, metabolic processes in the body are regulated, it has a balancing effect, helps to fall asleep and warms the soul.

Instead of using peels, whose rubbing effect is created by microplastics or other environmentally harmful ingredients, we rely on sea salt to remove rough spots or thin calluses:

Recipe for foot peeling
125 g sea salt
1 organic lemon
25 ml organic almond oil
6 drops organic lemon
3 drops organic cypress

Grate the zest of the lemon and place in a bowl. Add the sea salt and stir. Mix organic almond oil with the essential oils and then add to the sea salt and citrus peel mixture. Mix well. The mixture has a shelf life of about 3 months. Massage the peeling into damp skin and feet in the shower and rinse well.

Extensive care gives the feet the finishing touch for an airy and handsome appearance in open shoes or with healthy walking barefoot.

Recipe “Happy Feet” foot oil 
10 drops of cypress
5 drops of lavender fine
50 ml almond oil

Place the essential oils with the almond oil in an empty roll-on jar, close and shake. Apply to your feet and massage in gently. Cypress and lavender give a fresh scent and have a sweat-regulating effect. Almond oil nourishes and preserves the skin's own moisture.

Decongestant Bath Recipe:Soothes swollen and heavy legs or on hot days
2 tablespoons sea salt
7 drops lemon
3 drops grapefruit
1 drop juniper

Add essential oils to the salt and mix. Dissolve the salt in lukewarm water and bathe your feet in it. A hydrosol kept in the refrigerator also has a very pleasant cooling effect. Peppermint or witch hazel waters are especially tasty in summer.

Recipe for a strengthening foot oil “Root Power”
1 drop Vetiver Bourbon / Vetiver organic
3 drops fine lavender
6 drops Swiss stone pine organic
50 ml St. John's wort oil

Mix the essential oils with the St. John's wort oil and massage the feet with it in the morning and evening. The foot oil smells warm and woody, rooted in turbulent times, strengthens the connection with the earth and does good at the same time.