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Beautiful white teeth, who doesn't want that? Brushing with Charwhite, does that help?

Beautiful white teeth, it's a daily discussion here. “Brush your teeth well, I see that they are a bit yellowish again,” I call to my children. Or worse, “I'll brush them today, because I see that you haven't brushed well enough in a while and that your teeth aren't as white as they used to be”. What I invariably get back 'in my face' is "No you! Your teeth are just yellow." Nice subtle 😛 . And then I yell again “Yeah, mine have been around for 44 years, see if you can do that again”. Well, you can already feel it… beautiful white teeth are not self-evident, you have to do something for that and even then it differs from person to person. In any case, I tested Charwhite for you.

Table of Contents

How do I get beautiful white teeth?

I've wondered that over and over again in recent years. Of course there are several roads that lead to Rome, at least, if you are to believe other websites and advertisements for example. I'll list a few for you.

Ways to whiten your teeth

  • have your teeth whitened
  • have facings placed
  • various natural products such as orange peel, turmeric, lemon, dairy, apple, cloves and some more items
  • whitening toothpaste
  • himalayan salt


Have your teeth whitened

Whitening your teeth is a well-known principle to get beautiful white teeth. Teeth whitening can be done at the dentist (the safest method because you know for sure that the dentist whitens with a maximum of 6% hydrogen peroxide). Or you do it yourself. The latter, I'm not a big fan of that myself.

Have veneers placed for beautiful white teeth

Placing veneers for a beautiful smile is also an option. Keep in mind that this is quite a surgery. Not only suitable for removing discolorations, but also for making your teeth more beautiful from model. Many celebrities nowadays have veneers. Personally, I think it's very beautiful, as long as it's not too fake. When placing veneers, you will always have to file something off your own teeth in order to place them properly. Therefore, only proceed to veneers if you are absolutely sure that you want this. There is really no way back.

Natural products

There are many products that come straight from nature that are said to be used to get beautiful white teeth. Read yourself carefully in advance via Google, because the success stories often change and there are also disadvantages to the excess use of these natural products. For example, I've read here and there about problems in people who have used too much salt to brush their teeth, causing the enamel to be damaged.

Whitening toothpaste

There are many different types of whitening toothpaste available. They are widely available at your regular drugstore and also at the supermarket. Personally, in this case I prefer to look at toothpaste without fluoride so that I can vary.

However, a large part of the above applications have the side effect that they also affect your tooth enamel, and that does not make you happy. Beautiful white teeth with bad tooth enamel only temporarily remain beautiful white. And then you are further away from home. I also wonder in a lot of cases whether it actually works. I have certainly tried whitening toothpastes myself, but without really achieving any special results. Maybe I won't last long enough, that could also be possible.

Charwhite; 100% natural whitening your teeth

Naturally, my interest was piqued by Charwhite's press release. Radiant white teeth and a beautiful smile, without the use of chemicals. That makes you curious, doesn't it?

What is Charwhite?

Charwhite is a 100% natural, black substance. Vegan and not harmful to your teeth, as they themselves indicate. Charwhite is based on the power of vegetable ingredients. That is sustainable for the environment and much healthier for the teeth! It comes in a round jar and it's black powder that you dip your toothbrush into and then brush. We will of course try that with the jar that came in the letterbox here!

100% natural means no toxic, synthetic or genetically modified ingredients are used. No hypersensitivity as often associated with the use of conventional bleaching agents.

Charwhite review; the test of the sum

Of course we have to try that! Well, I've finished my first brushing. You can use it daily so we will try that in the coming weeks. There is enough powder in a jar for about 150 brushings, so I can go ahead.

It looks slightly monstrous. When I go to brush my teeth in front of the children, I expect 2 minutes of “iiiiieeeuuuuuwwwww, blllleeeeeghhhh” and so on, you probably know it.

It's a little messy, that Charwhite, and I dip my toothbrush into the jar of black powder by feel. I brace myself because somewhere I expect a certain taste sensation that will not be completely great. But nothing is less true. It doesn't taste like anything. Secretly I'm a little relieved 😉 .

My mouth does look rancid and what comes out of my mouth (excusez moi) also has a less attractive color, but hey… everything for a good cause (those beautiful white teeth)! Yet the overall picture is always less daunting than the black face mask I tried on recently. I have no idea how long it will take before I see results, but I'll keep you posted!

Read also: black Facemask face mask from Maybeauty, you hate it or love it

How much does a Charwhite jar cost?

Charwhite is available at Shizo and SoloBioMooi, among others. The suggested retail price is € 34.95 (jar contains powder for approximately 150 brushings). And with every jar that is sold, 10% is also donated to a charity to break the poverty of a family.