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Lose 5 kilos before the holidays instead of after, how smart is that?!

Despite all my good intentions, I have to conclude a year later (January 1) that I am again about the same as all other years in December. Although my weight is now slightly better than in previous years, I can still lose some weight. To be precise… I would like to lose another 5 kilos. After I waved goodbye to Sinterklaas and had eaten the necessary gingerbread cookies and pieces of chocolate letters, my father also came in last week with two toblerone bars. Fortunately not the 1 meter size, but still… I can hear my love handles softly humming with joy 😉 .

You probably recognize it all…

Table of contents

New Year's resolutions before Christmas and New Year's Eve, instead of after

On 1 January (well… usually the day after) the Netherlands starts making resolutions en masse. Losing weight, exercising and quitting smoking are the 3 most important of these. Luckily I tackled the last one years ago, so it doesn't have to be on my New Year's to-do list anymore. The other 2, on the other hand, I have a kind of love-hate relationship with them. And on top of that, I have another sin that gleefully ranks number three. Drink wine!

Especially in the nice seasons of the year (read:spring and summer) I am light buddies with weight loss and sports. We'll never be close friends, but I'm quite satisfied with light buddies. I eat healthier, take the dog for a walk more often and I also regularly put on my running shoes. Unfortunately, as the bad weather takes over, my hormones seem to get completely out of whack. And my willpower is then also hard to find! This means that losing weight and exercising will have a lower priority again. But drinking wine normally remains at number 3, as ever. Or – if I'm unlucky – he will even rise to number 2 or be at the top of the list!

December is killing me

One and one is two. Less exercise, the same food and the same (or more) drink (well, it's so nice to have a glass of wine by the gas fireplace), has resulted in my weight increasing slightly. Add to that all the food, parties and toblerone bars in December and my love handles begin to sing loudly instead of humming softly. I can hear you thinking 'been there, done that' 😉 .

So…. I have a really good idea!

Lose 5 kilos before Christmas

I started losing weight before the holidays, instead of 'having to do' three times afterwards. Now that sounds easier than it is, because losing 5 kilos somehow turns out to be no more cat piss at my age. A few months ago I was just over 71 kilos (really too much for me), I've been at 68 kilos for a while now. Reasonable in itself, but the last kilos just won't work.

I therefore called in the help of the Slimming Box, following a visit to their website. They allowed me to run a test with their capsules to lose the last remnants and thus reach my total weight of 5 kilos.

Lose weight with capsules via the Slimming Box

Now I'm always a bit wary of the 'pill' work. I am not a very good capsule swallower. First, I don't like it, and second, I often forget. Now I really have to make sure that I get it in my system. My solution is to set a timer 😉 . Yep!

Twice a day my phone rings with a signal to make it clear to me that I have to swallow something again with a glass of water. Incidentally, I have to take capsules three times a day and take some Detox fluid in the morning, but in the morning I don't need a reminder. That's exactly when I don't forget because they are on top of the sink and I am immediately reminded of them.

Which boxes do you have with the Slimming Box?

They offer 2 boxes. The first is for a 2 week course where you can lose 2-5 kilos and the 2nd is for a 4 week course where you can lose 4-10 kilos. Everything stands or falls, of course, with your determination. Why? Well very simple… there is simply no miracle pill with which you 'just' get rid of your excess weight without doing anything else. Also not with just swallowing capsules and therefore not with the Slimming Box. Unless you are looking for an irresponsible way of losing weight, but with a bit of healthy thinking everyone knows that that is not the best option.

What's in the Slimming Box?

My approach is therefore to wave goodbye to the last kilos with a little support so that I can survive the holidays with peace of mind and do not come off the scale with a heavy feeling afterwards. And the Slimming Box fits perfectly here.

In this method of losing weight, your body is supported by the intake of vitamins, nutritional supplements, proteins and fiber. In this way it is prevented that you only break down muscles during weight loss. After all, you want to keep it. You would rather break down your fat and lose 5 kilos than get weak arms, don't you?

Content slimming box

So what I use now (and what comes in the slimming box):

  • detox drink (15 ml) in the morning, 2 fat burners and 2 amino acid capsules
  • 2 ph capsules in the afternoon and a multivitamin
  • 2 amino acid capsules in the evening

You take these capsules about 15 minutes before your meal so that they can do their job well. Below you can read which part is responsible for each capsule.

  • Detox supports the removal of waste products and purifies your body, which is of course very useful since you lose waste products that need to be removed when losing weight. The
  • Amino Capsules  (nutritional supplements) provide optimal nutrition for your muscles, which results in a combustion of the fat reserves.
  • PH is a fiber that provides an extra bit of burning on the fat reserves, it also ensures a healthy intestinal flora (always handy).
  • The fat burner  is a linoleic acid that causes the amount of body fat to decrease, while the amount of fat-free body mass increases (muscles).
  • Finally, the multivitamin:during weight loss, the body often needs some extra vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals in these tablets are a valuable addition to the daily diet. They contain vitamins C and D that contribute to a good resistance.

How does it work with weight loss through the slimming box

As mentioned, the capsules are purely for support. At the same time as the capsules you receive, you will also receive a shopping list with all the products that you can have every day.

Fortunately, all products are available at your supermarket (no weird ingredients like I find in the recipes of The Green Happiness, for example). And from the list itself it soon becomes apparent that the products are often selected for health. Not too fat, not too many carbohydrates, but ordinary, normal, healthy products.

Read also: the Green Happiness, recipes and daily menus for 50 days

Since I am already used to a low-carbohydrate diet, the switch to no bread was not that big for me. I do notice that I have trouble with the amount of vegetables in the winter. In the summer I more easily grab raw vegetables with a glass of water as a snack and in the winter I grab a cup of tea and crave something sweet.

The fact remains… if you can survive without sugars for a while, the days after that will become easier and easier to get through without sugar!

What are the results so far?

I can tell you how I stand in relation to my goal of losing 5 kilos. The first 3 days went the fastest. I lost 2 kilos in no time and if I count falsely, I am now on my 5 kilos 😉 . But I'm not completely satisfied yet, because I actually want to lose some more weight.

I notice that it is now slowing down (which is logical in itself) and because of my monthly moment I have been suffering from cravings for the last few days and therefore a dip in sugar intake. By the way, the scales don't have a strong judgment about that yet, but I can't stand it very well myself! Fortunately, I have just had another sauna day, and I always come back feeling rejuvenated. Not only rested but also with a psychological boost to achieve my goal!

I will definitely succeed in losing that real 5 kilos, I have no doubt about that. And then I can go through the holidays nicely, tight in my Christmas suit without having to worry about the buttons popping open!

Read also: Christmas suit from Opposuits, black tie is really no longer possible

I do want to make a comment about the capsules that you have to take. If you are not a die-hard pill swallower like me, then you may find it a bit difficult. The fat burners are very large, but luckily they are smooth, so they still work for me. But I can't get rid of the multivitamin. I really have to bite it in half (which gives a temporary aftertaste) to really get it away. But hey.. if I lose that 5 kilos with it, it's always easier than doing exercises every morning 😉 .

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