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Bleachorexia:obsession with white teeth

Bleachorexia:obsession with white teeth

New to the list of external obsessions:bleachorexia.

You may already be familiar with the phenomenon of tanorexia (derived from the words tan and anorexia; wanting to get as tan as possible), or Anorexia athletica (obsessively playing sports), now a new obsessive trend has been discovered:bleachorexia. Bleachorexia stands for obsessive whitening of the teeth.

The Amsterdam dental clinic Wit reports this to De Pers † People with 'bleachorexia' come to the clinic every week. They have white teeth, but want the teeth even whiter .

"People would do well to consult their dentist if they consider whitening their teeth," the Dutch Society for the Promotion of Dentistry (NMT) told De Pers. † Teeth whitening can eventually lead to degradation of the enamel .

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