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To have a beautiful chest, damn the pawn of received ideas # 4

We were told… The cold makes you pigeon

Truth:Yes! And it's not just grandma who says it, the greatest cosmetologists confirm the double kiss-freeze effect:one, the pores tighten, the vessels, the skin retracts (this is the wet t-shirt symptom) , and two capillaries open the valves fully. In the long run, this little gym inflicted on the capillaries improves circulation and the supply of nutrients to the fibroblasts.

Putting it into practice:after the shower (or bath), finish with a jet of cool water on the breasts and the entire bust, making circular movements with the jet. Let the “whispers” rest assured, it is not a question of turning blue:10 seconds and a small 28° are enough to activate the microcirculation. Once dry, when you feel the heat coming back (capillary vasodilation), apply your moisturizer (ideal for boosting penetration).

We have been told… Self-massage is useless

Truth:Prudish minds have it all wrong. Massage is an essential gesture for the beauty of the breasts:the blood and lymphatic circulations are revitalized, and all the cells (from the skin, to the glandular structure, via the fascias) benefit from it. As a result, we relieve congestion, we eliminate toxins, we “nourish”, we firm up. Even their shape becomes more harmonious.

How to put it into practice:warm a small amount of product (oil, milk, etc.) in the palms of your hands, then apply gently to the breasts, under the armpits and down to the base of the neck.

• Stimulate (with the fingertips) the point located at the level of the sternum at the height of the nipples by making small circles in the direction of the clock.

• Raise one arm, and with the fingers (of the opposite hand), make circles under the armpit, emphasizing the support when you go up.

• A hand flat under the breast, draw with the flat of the hand the sign of infinity (an eight) all around the breasts

• Gently knead the breasts, then roll them over the pectoral muscle in large, slow, circular movements (unless pregnant or breastfeeding).

• This daily self-massage is beneficial as soon as the breasts appear.

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