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Anti-aging:everything that really works! #3

Don't blush

The anti-aging effect:If you have a father or a mother who has rosacea, you have every chance (and how lucky!) to have it. Opt for an anti-redness cream, which contains decongestant active ingredients. And watch out for anything that tends to dilate the vessels:boiling baths, sauna, alcohol, exposure to the sun but also hot-cold, chilli, etc.).

From when:20 years

Frequency:twice a day


The anti-aging effect:this is the best anti-aging prevention tactic. Without water, the hydrolipidic film loses its defences, its morale, its flexibility, its firmness... And ages more and faster.

From when:15 years.

The frequency:twice a day minimum on the face, once a day on the body. And listen to your skin:if you feel that it needs to replenish the water level during the day (it pulls, it tingles), reapply a layer (of cream).

Tighten the grain

The anti-aging effect:an ultra-fine grain is the prerogative of baby skin. Do you have large pores (and not necessarily oily skin)? Verdict:your T-zone is starved of hydration. Slip a thirst-quenching serum under your day and night skincare.

From when:20 years

The frequency:all year round if you feel the need or as a cure, especially in winter, when it's very cold or in the middle of summer when the thermometer explodes.