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Anti-aging:everything that really works! #6

Boost melatonin

The anti-aging effect:called the sleep hormone, melatonin triggers the urge to go to bed and also has an ultra-powerful antioxidant action. Two tips to increase its production:at 5 p.m., take a snack made up of slow sugar (=starch). The simplest and most effective:a banana (not too ripe otherwise it is less rich in starch) + almonds or soy yogurt or figs or a slice of wholemeal bread or 3 squares of dark chocolate. At bedtime, make the bedroom completely dark as light tends to block melanin production during the night. Are you afraid of the dark? Grab your man! From when ? As soon as you have trouble sleeping Frequency:daily

Sleep in odorama

The anti-aging effect:the smells breathed during the night would influence the quality of our dreams and the emotion that we keep from them when we wake up. This is revealed by a German study (presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology) during which the effect of two odors (rose and rotten egg) was tested on female sleepers during the night. . When waking up, the pleasant smell leaves a positive emotion, while the foul smell charges dreams with negative impressions. And since a restful (and stress-free) sleep is inseparable from the fight against aging… Air out before going to bed and use pillow mists that smack of the dream of competition. Chez Durance “Bouton de Rose, Durance, €7.10, Sacred Serenity, Florame, €10.95, Peaceful Nights, Hills of Provence, €7. From when:from 20 years. Frequency:make it a daily ritual

Take a course of Co-enzyme Q-10

The anti-aging effect:Co-enzyme Q10 boosts the mitochondria which are the "engine" of cells. It acts on the vessels and has an antioxidant and anti-fatigue effect. At the cutaneous level, it helps damaged skin (by the sun, pollution, tobacco, stress) to regenerate. Obviously, the naughty decreases with age. So, it's a good thing to supplement (Coenzyme Q10, Solgar €35.10) From when:35 years old. Frequency:a course of two months, twice a year