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Anti-aging food:eat to rejuvenate!

Sweeten fast sugars

The anti-aging effect:cakes, pastries, soda, white bread, potatoes or even refined cereals, fast sugars cause blood sugar levels to skyrocket and cause glycation. This phenomenon alters the structure of collagen and elastin, making them more rigid, disorganizing their network and preventing their renewal. Result:it accelerates the process of appearance of fine lines... The parade? Eat as little sugar as possible and make meals with a low glycemic index. Three tips:Have a raw vegetable And a cooked vegetable with each meal. Choose targeted starches:whole grains and/or legumes. Pretend that this "Paris-Brest" doesn't exist and set your sights on a slice of pineapple, an apple, clementines, strawberries (without sweetening them, we leave that to grandma).

From when:from 20 years old


Boost collagen

The anti-aging effect:champion of suppleness, density and resistance (it gives it to the skin but also to blood vessels and capillaries), it is the sinews of the anti-wrinkle war. Hence the importance of (well) feeding it. With what ? Vitamin C, to make it:in citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, peppers, cabbage, parsley… Flavonoids to protect it:onions, red berries (blackcurrants, cherries, blueberries), grapes, apple, peppers, lettuce, buckwheat, red wine (1 glass max per day), 75% cocoa chocolate (4 squares per day). Silicon, to strengthen it:whole grains, mineral water (Rozana, Arvie), Nettle (in herbal tea or in salad) or horsetail. You're not very "nettle salad" (we're not blaming you)? Opt for a distillation of fresh plants to be diluted daily in water:SIPF Nettle or Horsetail (€12 in pharmacies).

From when:from 20 years old

The frequency:daily, at least one food belonging to each family

Cook over low heat

The anti-ageing effect:the over-grilled, the browned, the caramelized are deliciously… toxic. Why ? The body does not know how to process the molecules deformed by cooking. These form pigmented plaques that deposit on neurons and vessels. On the skin side, they cause pigmentary disorders which result in the form of "age spots". In short, ignore the fryer, snub the burnt and switch to gentle cooking mode:the one that respects the food does not exceed 100° (couscous cooker with lid with holes, cooking in the oven thermostat set to 100 degrees (ideal clay dish), bath Marie, poached cooking (you plunge your fish into boiling water before turning off the heat), cooking in water or, better, in a broth).

From when:from 20 years old

The frequency:adopt this method of cooking as often as possible (we leave you a BBQ in the summer. Good, come on, 2).