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Start anti-aging products, when to put them?

Start anti-aging products, when to put them?

You never know when to start anti-aging products . Too early, too late? Whether we love them or hate them, wrinkles are part of the cycle of life, they appear naturally, little by little and remind us that, yes, the years go by.

Dry skin, by its finesse, will be more easily marked by time with expression lines which appear quite early. Conversely, thicker skin such as combination and oily skin has later but deep wrinkles. Today's skincare products can reduce them, provide the skin with water through moisturizing treatments and appropriate nutrients.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right product at the right time.

Start anti-aging products between the ages of 20 and 30

A skin is treated from the age of 20 by a healthy lifestyle, diet, creams, good make-up removal. Adopt a natural moisturizing cream, in our range the care "Fresh emulsion which, based on shea butter and argan oil and with 96% ingredients of natural origin, will meet its criteria of naturalness. Unless you feel the need, but a night cream is not necessary.

Choosing a treatment that is too strong and with an "Anti-aging" connotation is much too young. The earlier the skin becomes accustomed to anti-aging treatments, the less effective they will be when needed. Your skin will quickly become always demanding more and you will then be in the spiral of care even more.

Anti-aging products between 30 and 40 years old

Now is the time to take matters into your own hands. Cells regenerate less quickly, collagen production slows down and the first expression lines on dry-prone skin appear.

Putting on a hyaluronic acid cream every morning before starting the day is absolutely necessary. This cream will protect your skin from external aggressions, allow it to be more comfortable and to have the water and nutrients to last a full day. In the Les Sens de Marrakech range, we recommend "La belle crème » for dry skin or « Matte &pure cream gel for combination and oily skin.

If your skin is dry, it is also important to supplement with an anti-aging treatment The evening. Resting skin will regenerate faster.

Anti-aging products between 40 and 50 years old

Wrinkles, beyond those of expression, begin to really appear, it's time to never forget to put on your anti-wrinkle cream morning and evening and to choose it with effective active ingredients for the signs of aging. It is exactly the moment of sagging skin, the skin is therefore much less elastic. It must be helped not to lose its shine and dynamism.

We apply at each major change of season a serum that will amplify the effect of the cream. This is the "Prickly Pear Seed Oil » which is applied under his day cream « Ages and wonders ". In the evening, put your cream back on before sleeping well.

Also important, the eye contour "Emotional gaze every morning or evening. The eye area is often the most exposed to expression lines.

Anti-aging products after 50

This is the time of menopause when the skin undergoes a real change. The sebum which allows the skin to be plumper, is reduced, the skin dries out. It is essential to take care of it every day.

Morning. Apply a serum “Prickly Pear Seed Oil e » under the cream « Ages and wonders » then apply your eye contour.

Evening. Same protocol but without the eye contour.

Of course, good make-up removal, water and a healthy lifestyle are also essential for the vitality of the skin.