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My relationship to makeup

I'm talking to you about my relationship with makeup

We meet today for a slightly different beauty article. Today, I will not present lipsticks to you, we will not test a new foundation and even less care. The world of beauty is the main theme of my blog. Although I also enjoy talking about fashion and more broadly about "lifestyle" with other subjects such as blogging, reading, cooking... cosmetics remain my core business, if I may say so. So I'm going to talk to you today about my relationship with makeup .

In general, when you choose to open a blog to talk about a subject, it means that you are really passionate by this one. However, I sometimes have the impression that people do not understand that makeup can be a real passion, interesting, diversified with a know-how to discover. In the same way as a fan of horse riding, contemporary art or pastry. Make-up is immediately labeled "girly" and superficial .

In principle, I agree, because it is about improving your physical appearance. But for me it's much more than that, so much more... I wanted to talk to you about my relationship with makeup. I am often asked the question, on the Internet and in real life:why do I wear so much makeup, every day? If I don't like myself naturally, etc... I wanted to answer them today and above all to explain to you why makeup, yes, yes, can be a passion in its own right.


"Do you actually spend all your time wearing makeup?" »

This is the phrase I hear the most when people talk to me about my beauty blog. I don't blame anyone, people can't necessarily know the underside of a blog or how it happens, the work it requires. So no, I don't spend my days putting on make-up and removing make-up, during the week or on weekends. Having a beauty blog is not necessarily about spreading your face all the time.

We do not always realize, but testing a product does not only involve application to the face. On the contrary, I always approach the sensory aspect with my hands when testing a new product, especially at first. What is its texture? His smell ? Does it stick or blend well into the skin? This is also valid for care products of course. Not to mention the comparison with other products of the same type.

Moreover, my relationship to make-up and my passion for this field does not only pass through practice. I also spend a lot of time interested in theory :to read brand press releases, to keep abreast of new products, to find out about product formulations and innovations. Like any field, there is news , a marketing strategy that interests me all the more because it is also my core business. Like other people say they are passionate about the luxury industry, for example. Cosmetics are far from being a simplistic field.

"How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?" »

This question always bothers me a bit because I wonder what is the correct answer . Sometimes I answer "two hours" to see the reaction of my interlocutor and laugh a little. Except, that may be true. Quite honestly, if I have a lot of time in front of me I can clearly spend one to two hours doing my make-up in the smallest details, or even doing something artistic.

It is my passion after all and it is far from being a constraint. For everyday,I spend about 30 minutes doing my makeup in the morning, I like to take my time, that's all. I don't mind getting up a little earlier to get ready, it's a choice, it's mine because I like to have my moment in the morning.

Don't worry, I'm perfectly capable of doing my makeup in 10 or 15 minutes as well. But also final what does it change for the others ? Nothing at all, because I do not force anyone to do the same. I totally understand that some people can't consider getting up 30 minutes early to put on makeup or they can't, each according to their own beliefs. And I'm not one to judge others, on the contrary I'm more into empathy . But I must admit that I am still a little uncomfortable with this question. Once again, my relationship to makeup is a relationship of passion, so why would I deprive myself of this moment?

"Do you really wear makeup every day?" »

Sometimes I have the impression that those around me or the people I meet believe that I sleep in make-up (No way !). Again, if you're that passionate about beauty I think you've had to deal with this question too. Clearly no, I don't wear makeup every day. I worked for almost two years in telecommuting and I can tell you that I very quickly understood that there was no advantage in putting on makeup for my computer. Even if I like it, I'm not a waste of time either, on the contrary.

Clearly, when I worked at home without going out for the day, I zapped the make-up box. I even spent more time without makeup than the opposite in a week, not counting Sundays. On the other hand,I took even more pleasure in putting on makeup when I had to go out or have dates, except to go to the gym.

“Don’t you love yourself naturally? »

Why ? I give the impression of a girl who lacks self-confidence so much that she has to hide under foundation? This question is still a prejudice which I find quite negative towards girls who wear makeup. I'm going to tell you something:when I'm in the metro I very often observe the women and I see how many are made up in the train against how many are not. I very often notice that the majority do not wear make-up At first glance. Some wear light makeup, but I rarely see girls wearing a lot of makeup.

I admit that sometimes, seeing that I am the only one with a full make-up in the train makes me uncomfortable and that is the whole problem. Why should I be embarrassed about wearing "a lot" of makeup? Conversely, why does a woman who does not wear makeup see remarks like “you could make an effort to show yourself off” . In the end, whether we are a lot or not enough does not change anything. In any case there is always something to complain about.

Let me be clear, my relationship to makeup is simple:I like it . I don't do it for others, I don't do it for my boyfriend, I don't do it to hide, I do it because I like it. I like to show off, I like to have a different look every day, I like to test new products.

I make mistakes too . It's weird, but I love how awful this foundation looks at the end of the day. Then to tell you about it. I like to find the perfect blush that gives me a good glow on bad days. I like to make heavy makeup on the eyes AND on the mouth, why not? Or just wear nude. I like going to the gym or flying without makeup because I find it really annoying on the skin.

I don't know if you can say that "I love myself" naturally, it depends on the days like everyone else. I don't hate myself especially. To do what ? But no one wonders if finally MY natural, MY personality is not that? La Clémence made up every day with a different style? Finally, if that was my natural, if it was the real me?

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