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Allergy and makeup

Allergy and makeup

QUESTION: I have a rash on my arms and around my eyes. The dermatologist told me that I am allergic to cocamidopropyl betaine, a foaming agent that is mainly used in shampoo, shower gel and hand soap, but also sometimes in make-up. How do I find out what it does or doesn't contain?

ANSWER: “Because you have a contact allergy, it is very important for you to check the ingredients on the label of a cosmetic product † In some cases, for example with lipstick or mascara, the ingredients are listed below the label.

If the ingredients are listed on a leaflet, this will be indicated on the product with a symbol of a hand in an open book. The package insert must be available at the store where you buy the cosmetic.

Allergy sufferers can request an allergy pass for free after a dermatological examination at the Dutch Cosmetics Association (NCV). This pass lists the ingredients that you should avoid. In addition, the NCV provides extensive information about the substances to which you are allergic.

Unfortunately, there are no lists of products that do not contain a certain ingredient. The recipes of cosmetic products change too often to keep such a list up to date. But with the allergy pass you can always find a product that is suitable for your skin

More about allergies and the allergy pass can be found on the websites or

Judith de Graaf, consultant NCV