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Chaos in your handbag; that's how you make short work of it

Chaos in your handbag? Does that sound familiar to you or are you a super organized type who knows exactly where everything is in the handbag? I'll be honest with you… I don't. Never been and I had almost given up hope that I would ever succeed. Still, I sat down for a while to see how I can improve this. And maybe it also works for you when solving the chaos in your handbag.

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Order instead of chaos in your handbag

After the arrival of the little one, the contents of your handbag will never be the same again. Previously you could get by with only your keys, some money and your phone. Today, these are accompanied by diaper wipes, pacifiers and diapers, for the little ones. And do you already have older children? Then your handbag is full of stones, extra tissues, some of that stuff that disinfects your hands without water and of course empty candy wrappers. I have recently noticed a lot of the latter in particular. But a tidy bag is a tidy mind, just like a tidy house. Are you guilty of a bag full of receipts, candy wrappers and crumbs? High time to clean up. Determine which handbag type you are and get started with the chaos in your handbag.

Read also: a tidy house, 10 tips to create order out of chaos

Step 1:which handbag type are you?

  1. The just in case handbag type

You are always prepared for anything. In addition to the necessary things, you always carry small tricks with you. Tweezers, hand cream, cotton swabs. Even in your phone cases you still keep plasters and small notes. Very handy of course, but you can also go too far 😉 . In any case, you save space with the help of handy, multifunctional gadgets.

  1. The grab-and-go handbag type

Your bag is like a bottomless pit. You probably have a pretty large one at your disposal. The bigger the bag, the more it fits! And the greater the chaos… One product after another disappears at the bottom. Yet you always manage to conjure up the right item – by chance. You prefer a bag with one large 'clear' compartment. Very inconvenient if you often change bags. You can just throw everything around in another bag, but the amount of junk remains the same. Do you often change bags? Then a bag-in-bag might be the perfect solution for you for the chaos in your handbag.

  1. The small-and-practical handbag type

You only carry the most necessary items with you. For this reason, you always opt for a compact sized handbag. Why carry more than necessary, right? You plan your day ahead and are a confident type. Make sure that you don't forget important things because of this! By doing an extra check every now and then you will not be faced with surprises.

Step 2:major cleaning

Now that you've determined what type you are, it's time for the real work. That chaos in your handbag has to disappear. Nobody is really a fan of this job, but the following tips will guide you through it:

  1. Turn your bag over

Yes, literally:upside down! Spread the entire contents on the table. Look and shudder, because that bottom of your handbag is probably not as shiny as when you bought it. Give the inside a thorough cleaning and let it dry well while you continue with the rest. 

  1. The right consideration

Now that everything is on the table in front of you, you have to take a critical look at that chaos that was in your handbag. So hey, that's conflicting! You are probably surprised about the actual content:things that you had lost for a long time or that you no longer knew existed. Earplugs, an extra phone case, old receipts:you check everything one by one. Does it need to be replaced or can it just go away? And don't be too frugal with this. A chewed-up pen can really be replaced and no… you don't need 3 jars of nail polish for the road.

Also distinguish between necessary products, products for your child and products that you want to carry for yourself. If necessary, purchase an extra copy for the extra items:the ones that you don't always need with you, but that you want to have ready before departure.

  1. New Habit

The last step is to create a new structure. You want frequently used items within reach, large products in your main compartment and small trinkets in the designated side pockets. Continue to maintain this structure by storing everything in its permanent place after use:so you never miss a thing and you always have the right thing to hand in an emergency. Do you have a lot of small items or are you short of boxes? Then purchase a small toiletry bag (which I experienced very handy) or a spacious Motorola Moto G5 Plus case with extra compartments. The latter is, for example, very handy for your credit card, debit card and driver's license. You can just go out without a wallet!

Why I always have chaos in my handbag

Well, you now understand that you have a nice clear handbag if you take the above tips to heart. I think why I still don't succeed is the fact that I'm not a diehard bag carrier. Sometimes I have a handbag, but sometimes I don't have anything with me at all. I plop in whatever comes to mind at that moment, while there was still a whole load in it from last time. The bag becomes heavier and heavier and the effectiveness of the search is lost more and more. That does not work. So.

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