Investing in a leather handbag can be a good investment, especially since they last a long time. However, how you take care of it will affect how long it can last. Here are some tips on taking care of your leather handbag.
Protect your handbag from day one
When we buy something new, we always want to keep it in perfect condition and the best place to start is prevention. We recommend using leather protection cream as soon as you buy the bag. It adds a protective barrier to leather that repels stains and protects the surface from wear.
Clean your bag regularly Whether new or old, as well as protecting your bag, regular cleaning is a must. A damp cloth will suffice for a quick wipe, but usually bags should be cleaned more thoroughly every 2-3 months with a special cleaning product to keep them in top condition.
Only use specialized leather cleaners
Never use baby wipes, vinegar or other "home remedies" for cleaning. Many of these products contain chemicals and substances that can cause drying or loss of color.
Keep your bag in a dust bag when not in use
If your handbag came with a dust bag, use it! This prevents the build-up of dust when not in use and prevents accidental wear. Use a pillowcase if you don't have a dust bag.
Keep your bag full
When not in use, fill your bag with bubble wrap or some old clothes to keep its shape.
Do not hold the handles too much
Natural oils from the skin or oils from moisturizing creams can damage and discolor the leather! It will help protect your leather, but try to carry your bag over your arm.
Avoid carrying a light-colored bag with new denim jeans Dye transfers easily and is one of the most difficult stains to remove and something we deal with on a daily basis. One of the most common causes is wearing new jeans with a light-colored handbag. Avoid dye transfer by protecting and washing new jeans before wearing them.
Make sure the caps are on!
Leaking pens, water bottles and even foundation and lipstick not only ruin your day, but can also ruin your bag! When we're in a rush, we're all guilty of throwing everything in our bag and not checking that they're sealed properly. Take the time to put pens in a pencil case, your make-up in a bag and check your water bottle!
Be careful where you place your bag
At home, in the car, at work… Where do you keep your bag when not in use? Avoid heating and direct sunlight to prevent color fading and damage to the leather. Heat can dry out the leather and cause cracks. The best way to prevent drying out is to clean and protect your bag every 2-3 months. Leather protection cream not only protects your bag against stains, but will also condition the leather.
Use a handbag hook
When you go out to dinner, a typical habit is to hang the bag on your chair. Alternatively, you can use a handbag hook – meant to protect your bag from wet tables and dirty floors!