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A third of women don't clean their face before going to sleep

A third of women don t clean their face before going to sleep

Even if we've made it a habit to cleanse our face before going to sleep, it still falls by an average of once a week, according to research by Demak'Up. And that while it is not good for your skin to go to sleep with dirty skin.

Dutch women are satisfied with their skin, although half think it could be even better. We like to do something extra for the skin. One problem:we don't really know what and how. A large part of the women washes their skin with water. When we go the extra mile, it's most often in the form of a face mask or scrub.

Do you recognize yourself in these numbers?
The Demak'Up Detox Challenge will start from 5 June and you will receive tips every day to improve your cleansing ritual.