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5 things stylish women don't do

You probably know those women who always seem to look good. They carry pieces you would never wear at the time, but they look great. If you want to follow their lead then you shouldn't be doing these 5 things.

1. Following a trend
It seems like there is a new trend every week. Stylish women will never feel obliged to join a certain fad. Because every trend doesn't suit every woman.

2. Dressing for other people
Women who really like clothes wear it for themselves, not to please people. Stylish women use fashion as a form of expression, dressing in a way that makes them happy.

3. Wearing clothes that don't fit well
Stylish women recognize the value of a good piece of clothing. Yes, it costs more money than the cheap fast fashion fashion, but in the long run it is more than worth it.

4. Wear clothes they don't feel completely comfortable in
If you can't sit or walk properly in an outfit, don't wear it. If you feel uncomfortable about something, chances are it will show on your face or your body language.

5. Mistreating their clothes
You know that when you come home after a long day and want to put on your sweatpants and then throw your clothes on a chair or on the floor? That's something stylish women would never do. She values ​​her wardrobe too much.