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29 years old and afraid of wrinkles?

29 years old and afraid of wrinkles?

You are not alone. Wrinkles, gray hair, sagging buttocks and breasts... On average, we start to worry about this from the age of 29, according to research by a British drugstore chain.

Signs of old age
In our teens, we stand in front of the mirror to make sure we look as old as possible. Who would have ever known that from the age of 29 we would be concerned about 'signs of old age'?

In addition to the 'obvious' signs of aging such as wrinkles and gray hair, women are also afraid of facial hair, a wrinkled cleavage, age spots, thinner lips, thinner hair and larger ears...

Fortunately, you can steer fate a bit, with make-up and creams for example. 45 percent of the women who took part in the survey still regularly receive a compliment about how young they look. There is no need to worry about how old you look in the prime of your life, says the spokesperson for the drugstore chain who conducted the study. And she's right!

Are you (or have you been) insecure about wrinkles and your first gray hair?