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Rice water on hair:recipes and benefits

You knew the benefits of coconut oil, epsom salt, essential oils, but did you ever hear about the benefits of rice water on the hair ? This ancestral recipe that dates back thousands of years is a real beauty recipe to make at home to beautify your hair? So, if you are looking for an economical and ecological treatment to take care of your hair, we advise you to test one of our hair recipes based on rice water. How to use rice water in your hair routine ? What are the benefits for your hair? How many times a week ? We tell you what you need to know before you start!

The many benefits of rice water on hair

With rich active ingredients to nourish and maintain the hair, rice water is a natural ingredient to absolutely try. Full of protein, vitamins, potassium, iron, zinc, starch and amino acids , it will not only help you to take care of your hair, but it has several virtues that you would not suspect!

Shinier, less damaged and more resistant hair

By using rice water on your hair, you will find shine in the hair . Your damaged tips will be repaired and even the scalp is improved thanks to the cleansing properties of rice water.

A smoothing and detangling effect on the hair

If Japanese women have been using rice water for centuries, it is to take advantage of its smoothing properties on the hair. By making the hair more supple, rice water naturally detangles the hair, making it easier to comb.

Rice water for hair growth

In addition to its many benefits on the quality of the hair fiber, rice water mainly acts as a hair growth accelerator. Indeed, the hair being more resistant and fortified, the hair grows better. The tips are less damaged, the hair more supple and the color brighter! But it is above all because the rice water nourishes your hair fiber in depth thatthe hair follicles are stimulated to grow faster !

You will have understood that rice water is suitable for all hair types, from fine hair to thick hair, including straight, curly, frizzy or frizzy. Everyone will benefit from its many benefits.

Which rice to use for your hair recipes based on rice water?

All rice is suitable, whether brown rice, basmati, plain, black rice, white rice, etc… So do with what you are used to to cook!

3 recipes to use rice water on hair

Now that you are convinced of the benefits of rice water, let's get down to business. How to use it and how to prepare your rice water to be able to apply it on the hair? Several recipes exist:

Recipe number 1:recover water from uncooked rice

Nothing too complicated here, just soak rice in cold water for about thirty minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes, collect your rice water and use it as a treatment. If you want to save it for later, put it in the fridge. It can be kept for ten days!

Recipe number 2:fermenting rice water

This recipe is probably the most effective in keeping all the benefits of the active ingredients. Indeed, it is by fermenting the water of the rice that we obtain a better richness of these active ingredients. We start by soaking uncooked rice in cold water for 30 minutes, as for the first recipe. But then, we will recover the water to ferment it for 48 hours, in ambient air . Then, it can be applied to the hair to take advantage of its virtues.

Recipe number 3:rice cooking water

For this method, we use the rice cooking water. A handy tip if you cook rice for meals and don't want to waste your water! Save it and let it cool, then use it as hair care!

Hair rice water:the different uses

Depending on your needs and desires for your hair, you can use rice water at different stages of your hair routine.

  • A common practice is to rinse your hair with rice water . After a classic shampoo, finish rinsing with rice water and dry your hair as usual. You will enjoy its benefits on the hair. Thanks to the starch it contains, your rice water will leave a very thin film on the hair which protects it from external aggressions. Rinsing with rice water is also a good way to speed up your hair growth if you use the trick daily.
  • Second possible use:rice water hair mask . It is perfect for treating brittle, fragile, damaged hair . Women with dull hair can also use it as a weekly treatment. To apply as a mask, it must be combined with other natural active ingredients specific to your hair (coconut oil, aloe vera, vegetable oil, linseed gel, argan oil, etc.). You will find many recipes on the Internet depending on your problem and the nature of your hair.
  • Finally, rice water can be used as a detangling and nourishing conditioner. Ideal if you want to smooth the hair and restore its suppleness and shine! It is also an ally to tame frizz and to maintain curly hair!

In summary

  • Using rice water on hair is safe;
  • You can use it as a rinse, as a nourishing and repairing hair mask or as a fortifying and detangling conditioner;
  • The best rice water recipe for hair is fermented rice! Another great tip for having beautiful hair naturally!