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Blue eyes due to laser surgery

Blue eyes due to laser surgery

Always wanted to have blue eyes? Doctor Gregg Homer of California has developed a laser technique to make brown eyes blue…

It's a bit crazy. People with brown eyes who prefer blue viewers can apply permanently and operatively get another color of eyes fitted. Years ago, the American doctor Gregg Homer developed a technique that makes brown eyes blue in just twenty seconds

With laser surgery – called Lumineyes – it becomes brown pigment removed from the top layer of the iris. In the two to three weeks after that, the blue color will begin to appear. Regret the surgery? Unfortunately, it's impossible to make the eyes brown again. gives tips in the field of beauty and wellness >

Expensive joke
dr. Gregg Homer already applied for the patent on the laser technology . in 2005 but the project is still in the clinical trial phase. More than €500,000 is still needed to carry out further scientific tests. Still, Dr. Gregg Homer to be able to launch the technology in the United States in eighteen months, because, according to him, there are already 'thousands' interested. However, a large wallet is necessary:​​the operation costs about € 3,000.