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Plastic Surgery Prices

Plastic surgery is less and less taboo. In the past, interventions were only used because of physical problems, or after an accident, for example. Nowadays people mainly have procedures performed because they want to feel more beautiful. Not surprising, because appearance plays a major role in our society. For example, research has shown that the number of cosmetic procedures has increased due to the popularity of selfies. In addition, there are more and more possibilities and thanks to research and new techniques the results are much more natural. But how much does plastic surgery actually cost? Below you will find more information about, among other things, the costs of plastic surgery.

What does plastic surgery cost?

If you want to have a treatment performed, it is important to orientate yourself well. One of the things to look at is the price. There can be considerable differences in costs between clinics. However, do not immediately choose the cheapest provider. After all, it is about your body and your health, and working well and safely has a certain price. Further on in this article you will find global prices per treatment.

In addition to the price, you can also look at the specialty of the clinics. If they specialize in something, they have a lot of knowledge and experience in it. This increases the chance of successful treatment. It may also be advisable to look up online reviews about the clinic. Finally, your personal feeling at a clinic is also important. Therefore, visit several clinics for an intake, and see each treatment they advise and how you feel about the employees.

Plastic surgery prices per treatment

The prices of plastic surgery differ considerably per treatment and clinic where you have the treatment performed. Below you will find a global price per treatment.

Breast correction

There are different types of breast corrections. This may include breast augmentation, breast reduction or breast lift. Depending on the type of treatment, you should think about 5,000 euros.

Nose correction

There are different types of nose jobs. Prices vary from approximately 1,500 euros for a local nose wing correction to 6,000 euros for a general rhinoplasty under anesthesia.

Eyelid correction

An eyelid correction may involve surgery on the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both. Depending on the area to be treated and the type of anaesthetic, an eyelid correction costs about 1,250 to more than 3,000 euros.


The face determines the appearance of people most, and it is therefore not surprising that there is a high demand for interventions here. For example, the price for a local lipofilling is about 2,000 euros, while the average cost for a general facelift is over 5,000 euros.


Suctioning subcutaneous fatty tissue costs approximately 1,000 to 2,000 euros, depending on the body part to be treated.

Reimbursement of health insurance for plastic surgery costs

In general, plastic surgery is only partially reimbursed by health insurance. Under the basic insurance it is only possible to get this reimbursed if there is a medical indication from a doctor, and the insurer gives permission. The latter is only the case if the complaint or mutilation really decreases, and the treatment is not unnecessarily expensive compared to alternatives. An example of a treatment that is reimbursed is, for example, an operation on a cleft lip.

Some insurers also offer reimbursement for plastic surgery (with a more cosmetic reason) from an additional insurance. Think of a tummy tuck, floppy ear correction, surgery for snoring or a medically necessary breast reduction. Do you take out additional insurance especially for this? Then check whether the compensation outweighs the extra premium you pay for the package. Especially with relatively cheap interventions that only cost a few hundred euros, it can ultimately be cheaper to pay for them yourself.

Financing plastic surgery

In most cases, plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons is therefore not reimbursed from your health insurance. But not just anyone has saved thousands of euros for an operation. If you do not have enough savings, you can also borrow money for the medical procedure. It is important to compare different loans and providers. For example, you can sometimes take out a loan via the clinic that will perform the treatment, take out a loan from the bank where you also have a checking account or take out a loan with, for example, a small online lender. Compare the interest rates and additional conditions carefully to be able to choose a loan that best suits your personal situation.

If you want to take out a loan, you can choose from a revolving credit or a personal loan. For a medical procedure, a personal loan is probably the best option. You will probably have to pay the bill from the clinic that performs the treatment in one go, and you also know exactly where you stand with a personal loan because the interest and the term are fixed. With regard to the latter:because of the lower monthly costs, it may seem interesting to choose a longer term. However, keep in mind that with a longer term you also pay up to hundreds of euros more in interest. It is therefore advisable to opt for the shortest possible term.

Hint: Do you want to be sure that you are being treated by a qualified plastic surgeon? Then choose a doctor who is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Plastic Surgery.