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Surgery:it is now possible to obtain dimples!

Dimples are one of those physical characteristics that are unanimous:discreet, they are a major charm asset. It was not surprising, therefore, to see a new cosmetic surgery operation appear at the beginning of 2017:the creation of sacroiliac dimples, these two small hollows in the lower back which some people naturally have. It was only a matter of time before a similar operation saw the light of day, and it's done since it is now possible to add dimples as we know them to your pretty face, on cheeks. Demand for "dimpleplasty" as it is known in the country where it was born, the United States, has nearly tripled in recent months, according to American surgeons.

A semi-permanent result

So what does this unusual operation consist of? A small incision is made inside the mouth to create a small "defect" in a cheek muscle called the buccinator. The muscle is then fixed so that the dimple only appears when the face comes alive, not at rest, as surgeon Wright Jones explains at Allure . The process takes about 30 minutes and the result is quite effective:the patient can sport semi-permanent dimples that last about 2 months and will be visible only when they smile. The price of a dimpleplasty is estimated between €700 and €2,100 depending on the difficulty of the operation. The price to pay for looking like Miranda Kerr…