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What do I need to know about dental surgery?

What do I need to know about dental surgery?

There are many reasons why teeth may become damaged over time between other illness, accident or age. Currently, it is possible to replace them by performing dental surgery. Branch of medicine, it is a specialization that applies to the care of the teeth and the mouth. Also called odontology, it is a surgical phase for dental implantation. Dental surgery is carried out under local anesthesia and takes place in a stoma office or in a dental office. This type of surgery finds its origin in Antiquity by Herodotus in the V th century BC.

Techniques of dental surgery

In dental surgery, the dentist massy has the choice between two methods. The classic technique consists of incising the gum by making a flap and piercing the bone according to the dimensions of the implant to be received. In this method, it is possible to place several implants in a single session. The stitches are then removed 8 to 10 days after the operation. Three to six months after the operation, the dental surgeon opens the gum a second time and attaches a healing abutment to the end of the implants.

Then there is the flapless technique in which the practitioner does not make a flap but just makes an opening to the size of the planned implant. This technique is performed in one step, especially if the bone is quite dense. There is therefore no need for a second intervention because the surgeon inserts the implant and the healing abutment at the same time. It is important to know that whatever the method chosen by the specialist, the healing phase is between 4 to 6 months.

Reasons to do dental surgery

There are many reasons for wanting dental surgery, starting with poor oral hygiene. Indeed, poorly maintained teeth deteriorate over time. The field of odontology can reconstruct all of the dentition provided that the remaining teeth that are not damaged are removed. An accident or assault can also damage the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. People who are in this situation often have dental surgery to completely modify their teeth by placing implants or dental prostheses, for example. One of the reasons for resorting to this type of surgery is old age and illness such as cancer of the mouth or inflammation of the heart valves.