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What you need to know about permanent makeup

What you need to know about permanent makeup

With the frantic daily rhythm of a woman's life, she hardly finds the time to take care of herself. Indeed, between chores, raising children and work, we no longer know where to turn. And in the end we end up with a neglected look every day. Here is finally the solution to that:permanent makeup.

Permanent makeup:concept and benefits

This is a brand new make-up technique that is both practical and effective. The process is comparable to that of those carried out for the realization of a tattoo. Nevertheless, it will have a longevity of up to a year or less, depending on the budgets and preferences of each. Indeed, permanent makeup products are perishable. This allows anyone opting for this alternative to change their look once the lifespan of the pigment has expired.

Note, however, that if you want to remove the pigmentation, tattoo removal is always possible. The advantages of this type of operation are numerous. First of all, saving time in the morning preparations before leaving for work. Next, the resistance of the product. No more runny eyeliner after the gym or morning jog. There is also no need to touch up constantly during the day. This allows you to devote yourself to other much more important tasks while remaining fresh and beautiful at all times. So many valid reasons that can encourage you to practice this treatment.

Permanent makeup:for whom and where?

As with any type of medical treatment, this one also has some contraindications that should be taken into account. Thus, people with hemophilia, those following special care requiring the taking of anticoagulants, or those with an evolving skin disease should avoid this solution. On the other hand, if the individual is not part of this group of individuals, the process is completely risk-free. This is because the products used for this type of make-up are totally natural and above all French. It will therefore be necessary to be wary of makeup that does not have 100% authentic pigments. For an easier search, you can quickly find a permanent makeup supplier on the Internet. , offering this type of product.

To answer the actual technical questions, it is already known that the process is in most cases painless. The operation will be done under anesthesia. However, the sensations will depend on everyone. The situations are multiple depending on the sensitivity of different skins.

Anyway, in order to avoid any risk of complication, it is still preferable to call on a certified professional even if it may be quite expensive. After all, quality always comes at a high price.