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The basics of good health

The basics of good health

“Mens sana in corpore sano” (Juvenal). Translate this Latin expression as “Health is a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Thus, for the small understanding of the adage, the body is not dissociated from the spirit. It is imperative to be in good health to have a clear and lucid mind. But what are the basic rules to apply to be healthy?

Primo:a healthy and balanced diet

Diet has an important role in health. It is true that the distribution market is full of delicacies that men like to stuff themselves with. However, it is necessary to vary the pleasures by eating varied and balanced meals and taking the time to chew your food.

For a balanced diet, INPES recommends consuming at least five fruits and vegetables a day. A good diet can prevent certain diseases such as obesity, cholesterol or heart problems.

Cutting your bad eating habits is the basis of good health. Remember to drink 1.5 liters of natural mineral water a day.

Second:a sporting activity

Sport complements the beneficial action of a balanced diet. The aim of sport is to strengthen the silhouette while firming it, to expel bad toxins from the body, to free the body from tension (stress, etc.) and to develop physical abilities. It is advisable to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day (swimming, brisk walking, dancing, bodybuilding, etc.).

The basics of good health

Third:the cleanliness of the body

To actively fight against germs and bacteria, you must take care of your personal hygiene. Cleanliness is essential. Although there are no real codes of cleanliness, it is strongly recommended to shower twice a day.

The morning shower allows you to eliminate the impurities of the night (perspiration for example) and to feel good to face your day. The evening shower has the same function. It eliminates impurities, pollution, dust and sweat. You go to bed feeling clean and, therefore, soothed.

Quarto:wash your hands several times a day

Man often tends to follow this rule only when he is in contact with a sick person. However, by adopting this new way of life, it certainly reduces the risk of germs and bacteria.

Thus, getting into the habit of washing your hands regularly (before and after eating, after going to the toilet, after touching a questionable object like the shopping cart, etc.) reduces the risk of illness.

Quinto:knowing how to have fun in moderation

No need to deprive yourself of the pleasures of life to have good health. On the contrary, nutritionists agree that you should eat everything in reasonable quantities. Indulge yourself at least once a week with a good pizza or a good aperitif. Keep in mind that these are small pleasures that must be savored. To be consumed with the utmost moderation.


A good, restful sleep will have an impact on your complexion and the mood of your day. It is advisable to work nights of more or less 8 hours and at fixed times. Television and video games do not have a positive effect on the quality of nights.

The basics of good health
