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Good habits to keep the line

Here we are:the period of good resolutions , changes in habits and attitudes. The time of year when it's time to get better and to motivate yourself for the rest of the events . Keeping your figure is one of those decisions to make at the start of the year but above all to maintain . There are many good reflexes to find or maintain a harmonious line. They are centered around three main points:physical maintenance, good nutrition and the improvement of the hygiene of life in general . These 3 elements are the cornerstones for adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle as well as a good waistline. These 3 keys revealed, all that remains is to establish a suitable plan of attack. From there, we will know all the good habits to keep the line.

A little exercise, a lot of results

Physical maintenance is not something to be taken lightly. The most important thing is to start, nevertheless the hardest, and yet the most essential, is to persevere . Indeed, despite all the good will at the beginning, the motivation fades little by little. This may be due to discouragement for lack of immediate results, lack of time and opportunity or others.

It's hard to hang on, but it's well worth it. To do this, it is necessary to listen to your needs and means . Take the appropriate pace , as long as it pushes us to surpass ourselves without exhausting ourselves . Going to the gym, following exercise tutorials at home, taking a personal trainer or others, all have their ways of maintaining shape. Yoga, dance, cardio, aquagym… depending on interests and personality, it is necessary to determine the activity that we like the most .

These physical activities are all excellent de-stressants . Surpassing ourselves boosts our perception of ourselves while the efforts expended provide moments to forget the worries of everyday life. In addition to this, they activate blood circulation, help burn fat and purify the body through perspiration.

A healthy diet

Second element in keeping with physical exercise would be a adapted diet . There is no point in giving everything and purifying yourself during tiring sessions if it ends up accumulating toxins with a poor diet. Thus, it is necessary to improve this aspect of daily life. Radically changing your diet is not the easiest. However, gradually modify your nutritional habits is a big step for a better life.

Opt for healthy and organic food, check the organic labels of your consumer products, drink enough water too… There are many good things to do, there are it's up to us to adopt them. The most important thing is to find a balance in good habits to take. From there, we can stabilize our figure over the long term and be in tune with ourselves .

A better lifestyle

In addition to the recommended physical exercises and a healthy diet, improving the lifestyle in general is highly recommended. Exercising, having healthy and balanced diets are lifesavers to keep the line. But to really have a healthy mind in a healthy body, you have to learn to rest .

Our best advice for this is in our article:Beauty Cocooning Ritual:a gift to yourself. Rest by respecting regular hours of sleep, rest by allowing yourself moments of relaxation, but above all rest with a good beauty ritual .

Indulging yourself with natural and organic treatments is an ideal reward for having given so much. Maybe even establish a little beauty routine with essential treatments for the season and stay Beautiful au Naturel. From a more comfortable wash with the organic Intime Fresh cleansing foam from EXSENS to an organic nourishing cream from EXEKO to take good care of your skin on these winter nights. Not to mention optimal hydration with Clairjoie's organic shea argan balm. And to finish, brighten up your complexion with the organic caramel color enhancer trio. These superb products, which make you want so much, are available in the January box called Douceur Hivernale.