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Face summer with complete peace of mind thanks to 100% ORGANIC food supplements

Face the summer with confidence

thanks to supplements

100% organic food

Taking care of your health is good, but doing it intelligently by using organic and natural supplements is essential. We will be asked why, of course, and you will simply be told that using products with organic and natural components will save you from having to deal with the side effects of certain medications.

What is a dietary supplement?

Supplements are defined as intermediaries between drugs composed of chemical substances and food, that is to say products of animal or vegetable origin that can be consumed.

Supplements are most often extracted from plants but their primary role is to heal and provide the body with the supplement of vitamins or nutrient it lacks to be at its best.

Unlike cosmetics applied to the skin, dietary supplements are administered orally. Although they have the same purpose, cosmetic treatments and food supplements act in synergy. The first impact on the superficial layers of the epidermis. The latter have a deeper overall effect, both on the face and the body, at the level of the hypodermis and the dermis.

CAUTION: You should know that supplements complement the daily nutritional intake of an individual, that is to say, you have to eat a balanced diet and add natural supplements to your diet.

Why opt for an organic food supplement?

Many diseases are linked to a physiological imbalance which is expressed in one or more forms (recurrent colds, migraines, stomach aches or even hair loss, brittle nails, dull complexion, anemia, dermatological manifestations and so on...). Organic food supplements will allow us to take care of our body in a natural way, that is to say, to provide your body with substances that it would not risk rejecting because they are made up of 100% natural elements.

When to use food supplements?

Supplements cannot be taken at any time of the year. Indeed it is with the change of season that we feel a little slack and therefore the need to be boosted. Be sure to respect the duration recommended on the instructions. Supplements are generally taken as a cure for a few weeks, two to three times a year. It is not advisable to overdo it and exceed the prescribed dose per day.

And it falls quite well I would say, the summer shows the tip of its nose, so it's time for us to equip ourselves with our complements in order to face this season with serenity! Find 100% organic and natural food supplements in our box of the month which can be found here.
