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Presentation of organic labels

What is an ORGANIC label?

The labels follow a quality charter far superior to European standards. There are several organic labels, each with their own specifications. The certifications of these labels are carried out by independent and recognized organizations to guarantee their fairness.

Globally, Organic products are called "ORGANICS" products, which is why you will often find this term even on the labels of our French producers (which is good news since it means that they export).

Each organic label has a specific quality charter, however their main axes are similar:

– Ban on the use of petrochemical products

– Prohibition of testing on animals

– Use of a maximum of ingredients of natural origin

– Environmentally friendly packaging

The ingredients prohibited in the organic charters are not necessarily dangerous for health but they can have a bad impact on the environment because of their polluting manufacturing process or their inability to degrade biologically. Others are prohibited because they are of animal or synthetic origin.

To give you an idea of ​​the qualitative value brought by the certification of an ORGANIC label, here is a non-exhaustive list of what is generally authorized and prohibited in their charters. There may be small differences between the charters but in broad outline, here is what is retained:

Permitted ingredients

  • Vegetable oils and fats - Essential oils
  • Natural preservatives (vitamin E and C, essential oils, propolis, etc.) or "naturally identical" (citric acid, benzoic acid)
  • Natural stabilizers (derived from sugar and cereals)
  • Fragrances (organic essential oils of lemon, rose, geranium, etc.)
  • Natural dyes
  • Plant ingredients
  • Animal by-products (honey, royal jelly, lanolin, etc.)
  • Marine ingredients
  • Mineral ingredients (unless polluting extraction)
  • Non-organic raw materials only if their organic counterpart does not exist and if they are not genetically modified.

Prohibited ingredients

  • PEGs (PolyEthylene Glycol)
  • Silicones and petrochemical derivatives (paraffin, petroleum jelly)
  • Synthetic dyes and synthetic hair dyes
  • Preservatives, fragrances and synthetic sun filters (parabens, phenoxyethanol, etc.)
  • GMOs
  • Animal raw materials (animal fat, collagen, placenta, etc.)
  • Irradiated raw materials
  • Acrylic polymers
  • Formaldehyde
  • Aluminum derivatives
  • Ethoxylates
  • Components that may have an impact on the environment

Presentation of the main organic, natural or fair trade labels around the world:

  • Eurosheet
  • Organic Farming
  • Ecocert
  • Nature and Progress
  • Cosmebio
  • BDIH
  • Soil Association
  • Austria Organic Guarantee
  • ICEA
  • USDA Organic
  • Demeter
  • Natrue
  • Max Havelaar
  • Cruelty Free International

THE EUROFEUILLE (French label)

the European Organic Farming logo was created in 2010 to help consumers easily identify organic products. Its presence on the label ensures compliance with the organic farming regulations of the European Union. The use of the logo and correct labeling is mandatory for all prepackaged organic food produced within the European Union. This label guarantees that:


The AB mark was created by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries to define the specifications for agricultural products and foodstuffs. Certification of the AB label is carried out by an independent body approved by the public authorities.

Organic farming is a specific agricultural production system that excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and genetically modified organisms. It is based on the rational management of the soil fraction, respecting biological cycles and the environment. It takes into account knowledge in ecology, for a production of quality, balanced, more autonomous, more economical and non-polluting.

This label guarantees that:

  • At least 95% of the ingredients are organically grown.
  • Guaranteed production without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Products guaranteed GMO-free with a tolerance below 0.9% in the event of accidental contamination.
  • Agronomic and breeding practices respect natural balances, soils, biological cycles, the environment and animal well-being.
  • compliance with the regulations in force in France (of course).

More information:Organic Farming

ECOCERT (French label)

Ecocert is a control and certification body approved by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment. Ecocert is accredited by COFRAC - French Accreditation Committee - according to the ISO 65 standard which requires independence, competence and impartiality. Eco-certified manufacturers are thus checked twice a year by an independent Ecocert auditor.

This label guarantees that:

  • 95% minimum of ingredients are of natural origin.
  • Minimum 10% of the total ingredients are from organic farming.
  • 5% maximum are part of a very limited list of synthetic molecules used in particular as preservatives. These molecules must be specified on the packaging.
  • The ingredients are collected, transformed or extracted according to processes validated by Ecocert (approach and production method respectful of the environment).
  • Synthetic fragrances and dyes, silicones, parabens, glycols, etc. are forbidden.
  • Raw materials of animal origin are not authorized except for animal products and by-products that do not directly affect the life of the animals and whose sampling has no adverse effect on the ecological balance (beeswax, propolis, honey, milk, etc.).
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.



Nature et Progrès is an association of consumers, agricultural producers and organic cosmetics professionals united in the same movement in favor of organic farming that respects biodiversity, the rural fabric and agricultural know-how without rejecting progress. .

The objective is therefore to develop products that respect people, animals, plants and the planet. The specifications of the Nature &Progrès label are among the most demanding:for a product to be labeled, it requires that 100% of the ingredients come from organic farming and that a minimum of 70% of the brand's ranges or labeled Nature and Progress. In addition, the company must adhere to the general Charter of Nature &Progrès concerning environmental, social, economic and human issues.

This label guarantees that:

  • 100% of plant ingredients come from organic farming or regulated harvesting
  • GMO-free products.
  • Raw materials must be obtained using simple physical or chemical processes that do not use synthetic molecules.
  • Preservatives, synthetic fragrances and dyes, silicones and petrochemical materials are prohibited
  • Raw materials of animal origin are not authorized, except for animal products and by-products that do not directly affect the life of the animals and whose sampling has no adverse effect on the ecological balance (beeswax, propolis, honey, milk, etc.).
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.
  • The company must adhere to the general charter of Nature &Progrès concerning environmental, social, economic and human issues.


COSMEBIO (French label)

Cosmebio was born in 2002 from the collaboration of a dozen cosmetic laboratories engaged in the development of specifications for ethical cosmetics.

The Cosmebio charter gave rise to demanding specifications filed with the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment. This standard defines in a strict, transparent and unambiguous way, “Ecological and Organic cosmetics”. The control is carried out by independent and approved certifying bodies such as Ecocert or Qualité France which label cosmetic products, and not brands.
There are two levels of certification:the BIO label, for "ecological and organic cosmetics" and the ECO label "for "ecological cosmetics".

This label guarantees that:

  • 95% minimum of the ingredients are natural and of natural origin.
  • Minimum 95% of plant ingredients are organically grown.
  • Minimum 10% of the finished product is organically grown.
  • GMO-free products.
  • Synthetic perfumes and dyes, parabens, silicones, materials derived from petrochemicals and ethoxylated products (PEG) are prohibited.
  • Use permitted under a very restricted list of synthetic molecules including as preservatives. These molecules must be specified on the packaging.
  • Respect for the environment in terms of the methods of obtaining raw materials, transformation processes, methods of presentation of finished products, their biodegradability, the recycling of their packaging and all the waste resulting from their manufacturing.
  • No genetic engineering or ionizing radiation in the production and processing of agricultural products.
  • Raw materials of animal origin are not authorized except for animal products and by-products that do not directly affect the life of the animals and whose sampling has no adverse effect on the ecological balance (beeswax, propolis, honey, milk, etc.).
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.

This label guarantees that:

  • 95% minimum of the ingredients are natural and of natural origin.
  • At least 50% of plant ingredients are organically grown.
  • 5% minimum of the finished product comes from organic farming.
  • GMO-free products.
  • Synthetic perfumes and dyes, parabens, silicones, materials derived from petrochemicals and ethoxylated products (PEG) are prohibited.
  • Use permitted under a very restricted list of synthetic molecules including as preservatives. These molecules must be specified on the packaging.
  • Respect for the environment in terms of the methods of obtaining raw materials, transformation processes, methods of presentation of finished products, their biodegradability, the recycling of their packaging and all the waste resulting from their manufacturing.
  • No genetic engineering or ionizing radiation in the production and processing of agricultural products.
  • Raw materials of animal origin are not authorized except for animal products and by-products that do not directly affect the life of the animals and whose sampling has no adverse effect on the ecological balance (beeswax, propolis, honey, milk, etc.).
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.


BDIH (German label)

BDIH, founded in 1951, is the federal association of German commercial and industrial companies for medicines, dietary products, dietary supplements and personal care. BDIH includes a working group on natural cosmetics which has defined a charter and precise specifications concerning the manufacture of natural beauty products.

The BDIH specification is built on a "positive list" of permitted ingredients. A single unauthorized ingredient excludes certification of the whole product. The composition of natural cosmetics labeled BDIH is controlled by independent control institutes.

This label guarantees that:

  • 100% of the ingredients belong to the list of authorized ingredients established by BDIH.
  • Cosmetics are formulated from natural raw materials, derived from the mineral or vegetable kingdom as much as possible from controlled organic cultivation or controlled wild harvesting.
  • GMO-free products.
  • Synthetic fragrances and dyes, silicones, parabens, paraffin and other petroleum derivatives and ethoxylated raw materials are prohibited.
  • Use permitted under a very restricted list of synthetic molecules including as preservatives. These molecules must be specified on the packaging.
  • The transformation of raw materials into cosmetic preparations is done with care and with few chemical processes.
  • No genetic engineering or ionizing radiation in the production and processing of agricultural products.
  • Packaging should be economical and environmentally friendly.

More information:kontrollierte naturkosmetik


The Soil Association is the UK's main organic certification body. It was created in 1946 by a group of farmers, nutritionists and scientists.
The association certifies organic products and campaigns for environmentally friendly agriculture as well as safer and healthier food production. Their organic charter requires that products contain a maximum of organic ingredients that have undergone a minimum of processing.

It is one of the most rigorous certification bodies in Europe.

This label guarantees that:

  • The mention "Organic" associated with the logo means that at least 95% of the ingredients are from organic farming
  • The statement "Made with x% of organic ingredients" means x% of the ingredients are from organic farming (with a minimum of 70%)
  • A minimum of non-organic raw materials, authorized only if their organic equivalent is not available.
  • GMO-free products.
  • Cosmetics are formulated from natural raw materials, derived from the mineral or vegetable kingdom as much as possible from controlled organic cultivation or controlled wild harvesting.
  • Synthetic fragrances and dyes, silicones, parabens, paraffin and other petroleum derivatives and ethoxylated raw materials are prohibited.
  • The transformation of raw materials into cosmetic preparations is done with care and undergoing only a few chemical processes and without using synthetic molecules.
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.


Austria Bio Garantie (Austrian Label)

Austria Bio Garantie (ABG), established in 1993, is an independent and accredited Austrian inspection and certification body for dietary products, food supplements and body care. ABG is a non-profit association whose teams are qualified for the inspection and control of compliance with the specifications.

The Austria Bio Garantie specification is built on a “positive list” of permitted ingredients. A single unauthorized ingredient excludes certification of the whole product. All ABG-labeled natural cosmetics are checked by ABG's own teams.

This label guarantees that:

  • 95% minimum of plant ingredients are certified organic
  • GMO-free products
  • Synthetic fragrances and dyes, silicones, parabens, paraffin and other petroleum derivatives and ethoxylated raw materials are prohibited.
  • The processing of raw materials and the manufacture of products meet strict environmental standards.
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.


ICEA (Italian label)

The criteria of this label are at the same time ecological, social and biological. The ICEA concerns both food and non-food products such as cosmetics.

This label guarantees that:

  • this label encourages but does not impose a minimum of certified organic plant ingredients
  • GMO-free products
  • Synthetic fragrances and dyes, silicones, parabens, paraffin and other petroleum derivatives and ethoxylated raw materials are prohibited.
  • No genetic engineering or ionizing radiation in the production and processing of agricultural products.
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.


USDA ORGANIC (American Label)

The different labels of the American program NOP (“National Organic Program”) of the USDA (“United States Department of Agriculture”), the American Ministry of Agriculture, are aimed at agricultural products of biological origin and at products with based on ingredients from organic farming. Labeled products must be grown, manufactured and processed in accordance with NOP standards and are certified by USDA accredited agents.

There are 3 categories of organic products in the United States:

  • “100% organic” which guarantees that 100% of the ingredients are certified organic.
  • “organic” which guarantees that at least 95% of the ingredients are certified organic.
  • “Made with certified organic ingredients which guarantees that a minimum of 70% of the ingredients are certified organic.

This label guarantees that:

  • 100% of the ingredients are part of the national authorized list for organic cultivation.
  • No molecules or synthetic substances.
  • No genetic engineering or ionizing radiation in the production and processing of agricultural products.


DEMETER (International label)

Biodynamic agriculture is the only one to consider the earth as a whole as a living being, as a “whole”. Not only animals and plants are alive, but also the whole planet. Like all living beings, our earth is evolving and today it is sick because of human activities.

Biodynamic farming and organic farming are different in concept but pursue the same goals. The Demeter label being much more demanding than the Organic Agriculture label.

The objectives of bio-dynamic agriculture are:

  • caring for the earth
  • regenerate, shape and maintain landscapes
  • provide people with healthy food
  • developing an approach to life and understanding the role of humans
  • Opening new social perspectives on farms as well as in producer-consumer links


NATRUE (European label)

NaTrue is an international interest group of manufacturers of natural and organic cosmetics whose common objective is to maintain the highest possible level of requirement for the standards applicable to natural and organic cosmetics as well as to the ingredients that compose them.

Three levels of quality:

  • NaTrue 3 star "ORGANIC COSMETICS" guaranteeing a minimum of 95% of ingredients from controlled organic farming and/or certified wild harvesting in accordance with European regulations.
  • NaTrue 2 star "NATURAL COSMETICS WITH ORGANIC PORTION" guaranteeing a minimum of 70% of ingredients from controlled organic farming and/or certified wild harvesting in accordance with European regulations.
  • NaTrue 1 star "NATURAL COSMETICS" Minimum levels of natural substances and maximum levels of transformed substances of natural origin are set for each category of cosmetic product.

This label guarantees that:

  • GMO-free products.
  • Synthetic perfumes and dyes, parabens, silicones, materials derived from petrochemicals and ethoxylated products (PEG) are prohibited.
  • Respect for the environment in terms of the methods of obtaining raw materials, transformation processes, methods of presentation of finished products, their biodegradability, the recycling of their packaging and all waste from their manufacture.
  • A limited number of manufacturing processes used.
  • No genetic engineering or ionizing radiation in the production and processing of agricultural products
  • Animal testing of products is prohibited.


MAX HAVELAAR (International label)

Fairtrade / Max Havelaar is an international label that brings together NGOs and producer representatives. Its goal:to use trade to give farmers and employees in the southern hemisphere the means to fight poverty themselves.

Fair trade is therefore a simple exchange:here you buy products bearing the label, whatever the brand, there disadvantaged producers improve their income, respect the environment and unite to decide for themselves their future.

The Max Havelaar label is managed by the Fairtrade Labeling Organizations (FLO) federation, which determines the standards and conditions for obtaining the label. FLO is itself a member of FINE, the meeting of the world's leading fair trade federations:WFTO, News, Efta and FLO.

This label guarantees that:

  • Application of a minimum price, in consultation with the producers, Max Havelaar defines a minimum purchase price for each raw material. This must first cover the cost of production, taking into account respect for the environment. Then, he must ensure the basic needs of his family:food, hygiene, education, health...
  • Establishment of a stable relationship between the farmer and the importer.
  • The possibility of pre-financing, producers can ask fair trade buyers to advance up to 60% of the price of their future harvest from the start of the season.
  • Quality products To export sustainably and get out of the logic of charity, producers must provide products that meet consumer quality requirements.
  • the development bonus generally represents around 10% of the price of the goods paid to the cooperative. This money is managed collectively by the producers with a view to the future. It allows investments for the benefit of all.
  • Respect for the environment For each sector, the standards draw up a detailed list of prohibited phytosanitary products. The minimum criteria call for the reduction of all chemical inputs and the introduction of organic manure.
  • the preservation of natural resources through the implementation of soil, water and fire management plans.
  • Guaranteed GMO-free production



Thousands of animals are still used today during cosmetic tests, this label fights for the end of this practice on a global level by seeking support in each country to save animals from experiments and advocate purchase cruelty free!

This label guarantees that:

  • Testing of products on animals is prohibited, whether on the finished product, the ingredients of the product or on foreign markets.


COSMOS STANDARD (European label)

Towards standardization of labels at European level

These different labels came together to create the COSmétics Organics Standard organization in 2008, which aims to smooth out the specifications in order to define a European standard for organic cosmetics.
