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The 6 Healthy Living Tips for November!

The transition to winter time is a difficult moment for the body which often results in a drop in energy and vitality. However, it is not inevitable if you adopt the right gestures to keep in shape despite the cold and the shorter days.

1) Stay active

In winter we dream of staying warm under the duvet in front of a series with a good hot drink. But practicing physical activity for at least an hour every other day releases endorphins and avoids low spirits and winter blues.
In addition, playing sports causes good fatigue and thus allows you to have a restful sleep and therefore to start the next day in great shape.

And a little bonus when it's time to put on the swimsuits, we'll already be ready.

2) Listen to an uplifting playlist

To want to get up from your couch and especially to activate your muscles, nothing better than a playlist that gives us a dose of motivation.
Add all the music that makes you want to run, jump, dance...move!

Remember to renew your playlist regularly to avoid getting used to it or even getting bored.
There are sites like Spotify or Deezer where you will find playlists already composed or you can create your own.

3) Enjoy natural light

Staying at least 20 minutes a day under the light allows you to have more vitality, to be more focused and more efficient in everything you do. Indeed, the light waves that pass through the eyes will stimulate the body daily.
Do not hesitate to get off at a stop before, take your dog out longer, take your children to the forest. In addition, we are always happy to find the warmth of our home after a breath of fresh air.

4) Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables provides the vitamins necessary to keep fit throughout the year. In addition to having a tasty taste, seasonal fruits and vegetables make it possible to meet the nutritional needs of the body at the right time. Take advantage of this season to try homemade soups which, in addition to heating, quickly bring a feeling of satiety. And all this without making your stomach bloat.

5) Eat a little honey every day

In addition to having antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, organic honey is an ideal replacement for white sugar, the enemy of your health and vitality. We invite you to discover the superb initiative of a roof for bees , which invites you to sponsor a hive in order to preserve the bees, in exchange for which you will receive free honey!

6) Consume green juices

Green juices, composed mainly of green vegetables, provide vitamins and trace elements essential for the body to function properly. Indeed, drinking green juices regularly improves the quality of the skin and hair, reduces the risk of catching a cold or the flu and gives vitality. Be sure to choose organic and seasonal vegetables in order to benefit from all the benefits.

Laura from