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Care for the eye contour gently with Veld's

The eye contour is a fragile area, which marks at the slightest aggression. Puffiness, dark circles, and crow's feet settle in no time, and undermine your complexion despite your efforts. In order to take care of the eye contour and display a fresh and sparkling look every day, here are Veld's tips to pamper your eyes!

Take care of the eye area:beware of the sensitive area!

The area around the eyes is very fragile . The skin there is very thin, very sensitive, and the signs of aging settle in quickly. If the eye contour is not cared for, the skin quickly degrades under the effect of the sun, pollution and extreme temperatures. Even being vigilant, certain gestures can contribute to the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, and crow's feet.

The gestures to avoid

Rubbing your eyes

Even if fatigue is felt or your eyes itch, it is to be avoided! The eye contour, with its very thin skin and very sensitive to friction, will be even more exposed.

Wax your eyebrows

If wax is a very effective method for depilating small areas, it remains very aggressive. To have beautiful eyebrows, opt for gentle and precise threading, or with tweezers in small touches, if you don't go to a salon.

Using unsuitable treatments

When applying a treatment so close to the eye, you have to be careful with creams containing aggressive agents (anti-blemish products or for oily skin, for example), but also with creams that are too oily. During the day, these treatments risk migrating to the cornea and damaging the eye, without meeting the needs of the eye contour area.

Moisturize with a specialized eye contour treatment, which will limit excess water and activate blood circulation, for a decongestant effect with good hydration.

Wrong make-up removal

When removing makeup, be sure to remove all concealer, eye shadow and mascara, which could suffocate the skin overnight, when it is supposed to regenerate. Be careful though, too violent make-up removal may be counterproductive. If your waterproof make-up is having trouble leaving, leave the cotton on the eye for a few moments, rather than rubbing harder . This will avoid damaging the skin around the eye, and tearing eyelashes in the process.

As you will have understood, the area around the eyes must be the subject of gentle and appropriate care. To avoid displaying tired, dark circles, or eyes too marked by age, proscribing all these bad gestures is a very good start! Of course, the use of eye contour care should also be part of your beauty routine.

Gentle and suitable care to care for the eye area

On a daily basis, choose an eye contour treatment adapted to your skin type or the problems encountered in this area. Some treatments have a stronger decongestant action to prevent dark circles and puffiness, others will have a more anti-aging action, to prevent the formation of expression lines.

Also be careful when storing your care:eye contour care does not like high temperatures, store it in the coolest place possible . Ideally, place your treatment in the refrigerator after each use, the cold will multiply the decongestant effect!

At Veld's, we have designed the Eye Magic eye contour treatment. It decongests the eyes and offers an unparalleled lifting and anti-aging effect. Its formula helps to release tension around the eye, and sheath the entire periorbital area, to soften the look . The eye contour is smoothed, expression lines disappear and you regain a look of radiant youth! In addition, its silky gel is easily applied with a flat brush. Because yes, for a perfect result, the application of your eye contour treatment is just as important as the treatment itself .

Small massages to wake up the eye area

For a successful application of your eye contour treatment, take a small dab of product on your index finger and apply it gently with your fingertips, in light circular massages . Follow the path of the eye from the inner corner to the outer corner, but also make small gestures from top to bottom to follow the lymphatic paths. If you use a brush tip, do the same drawing with the brush.

When you have time, continue by tapping gently but vigorously around the eye area , at your fingertips. Do not forget to pass on the eyelid, but also around the eyebrows.

Finally, two to three times a week, complete this little massage with “digital pressure” . Press with your index finger a few moments before releasing the pressure, on several points around the gaze area, this will stimulate blood circulation.

To obtain fast and visible results, apply your eye contour treatment morning and evening. If it seems essential to us to apply the eye contour care in the morning to wake up the eyes and avoid dark circles, we tend to forget it in the evening. And yet, after a long day under make-up and exposed to numerous aggressions, the eye contour needs deep and regenerating hydration to recover during the night . In addition, a decongestant eye contour treatment will prevent dark circles and puffiness, by preventing poor circulation in this area during the night.

Take care of the eye area with a weekly mask

To complete your eye contour care routine, applying a mask during a wellness break can help you achieve a youthful and rested look.

You can opt for "grandmother's tricks" masks by applying slices of cucumbers to the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes . The water and vitamins naturally present in the cucumber will help nourish and refresh the eye area. In the same vein, place bags of green tea used on the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes and ideal for hydrating and revitalizing the area. You can put them in the refrigerator 10 minutes before applying them for more efficiency.

Of course, you can also find ready-made masks on the market. Some in the form of patches to be placed under the eyes, others in the form of a stick with a massaging tip, or even in the form of a mask that completely covers the eyes. Once again, you have to choose your mask according to your specific needs in the eye area . You can do one mask per week, to complete the action of your daily care. Be careful, a mask alone, without having daily eye contour care, may not be enough to obtain satisfactory results.