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Moffy, the model who upsets fashion standards

Moffy is a young model showing all the details of an ordinary model. A silhouette, a size, perfect measurements. Only one detail prevented her from being photographed by professionals:her strabismus. A photographer, however, took the challenge and published the pictures in a magazine. Challenge met hands down since today Moffy is described as the future big star.

If in recent years, modeling agencies are more and more interested in round women, for its part Moffy also risks upsetting the standards of this universe so closed to "abnormality".

A strabismus that will upset the codes?

Indeed, Moffy is a young model who has a strabismus. This "defect" of parallelism of the visual axes could have handicapped this young model at the start of a modeling career. But a photographer took up this challenge to the delight of the main interested party and Internet users who applauded this initiative.

It must be admitted that in addition to this slight handicap, Moffy has all the traits of an ordinary model. Her figure, her size, her face, her smile and her measurements correspond perfectly to the expectations of modeling agencies. However, this strabismus had always prevented her from being photographed by professionals. Tyrone LeBon decided to go against all these refusals and photographed the young woman for POP Magazine. "Moffy is a girl that my partner, Adwoa, suggested to me. We decided to photograph her because we had recently shot with ordinary models and we wanted a change. Moffy has never been photographed for a magazine and it's always somewhat exciting to work with an inexperienced person " he said, relayed by Oddity Central .

A contract with a big modeling agency

The success of this photo shoot was immediate. The public applauded this initiative and the magazine received many positive comments. Moffy's photos caused such an upheaval in the fashion world that an agency decided to sign her to a contract. This is the Storm agency, the same agency that had discovered a certain... Kate Moss!

Some fashion lovers have even gone so far as to dub her "the next big star". Which is not nothing since we know that the criteria in this universe are quite strict and that the codes change only very rarely.