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Our tip for properly applying your nail polish

Nail polish can add a feminine touch and make your hands prettier, but here it is:it's not always easy to apply it well, without it overflowing, thick layers or smudging. crumbles after a few days.

But do not panic ! With a little practice and a few tricks, you'll know how to apply nail polish for a perfect manicure.

How to choose my nail polish?

Steps for putting on your nail polish properly

To have pretty nails, you have to take the time to apply the varnish well. If you rush, the result may not live up to your expectations. Here's how to apply nail polish in just a few steps!

Preparation of the contour and surface of the nail

Putting varnish on nails that have not been previously cleaned, filed and protected is the best way to miss your manicure!

If there is any old polish left on the nail, remove it with nail polish remover, and if not, still take the time to wash your nails thoroughly .

You must then file the nails , to even them out, then polish the surface , for better polish hold afterwards.

We also think of cuticles , these small skins at the limit of the nail and the phalanx. Soften them by leaving your hands in hot water for a few minutes, then push them back with a stick (especially without cutting them!).

Our tip for properly applying your nail polish

The technique for properly applying the varnish

Once the nails are clean and ready, and you have chosen the color of your nail polish, you must first apply Nail Polish Base Coat . It is a transparent and protective varnish, which will help the colored varnish to hold better on the nail.

Then comes the fateful moment:how to apply organic nail polish properly? Shake your bottle of organic varnish slightly, then pick up the product with the brush, removing the excess drops of varnish (otherwise, beware of overflowing!).

The laying of the varnish begins with the application of a thin layer , in starting from the center of the nail from bottom to top, then repeating the operation on each side of this first line, without going over the skin. The idea is not to obtain a perfect result with this first coat, but to cover the entire nail well, without going over the same place multiple times.

Then let the varnish dry, then apply a second layer a little thicker and well drawn. Be careful that the product of the first coat is completely dry, otherwise you will undeniably see traces of varnish that are not very elegant.

The finish to shine and make up for imperfections

After applying the two coats of varnish, do you notice that you have overflowed a little? No worries, this little difference can be made up for:soak a cotton swab in nail polish remover and remove the nail polish that has protruded on the skin.

Once your nails look perfect, you can add a touch of shine with a Top Coat , which is applied on the very dry varnish. It will also allow your nail polish to last longer without flaking.

Voila:you now know how to apply nail polish the right way!

Our tip for properly applying your nail polish

Our tips for a perfect and easy manicure

You followed the steps to the letter, but the result is not up to your expectations? A few tips might help you know how to apply nail polish more easily.

Choosing a good nail polish

Not all nail polishes are created equal! Opt for a varnish with fluid texture , and avoid mini prices often synonymous with lower quality.

It is also advisable to opt for the most natural nail polish possible, even an organic nail polish or " 7-free " . These varnishes do not have additives that are dangerous for the health and beauty of your nails, and guarantee a certain quality. You will see that with a quality organic varnish , you will have a much easier time applying the product correctly on your toenails or fingernails.

For an optimized hold, you can also turn to semi-permanent varnish , which guarantee a lasting result (up to 2 weeks). How to apply this nail polish? By following the same steps as for a classic organic nail polish!

Our tip for properly applying your nail polish

Tips to avoid overflowing

Do you have an annoying tendency to protrude from the nail when you apply your varnish? Simply place scotch tape on the skin around the nail before applying the polish, then remove it right after.

Some also use white glue, which is easier to apply precisely. After removing it, however, it is advisable to moisturize the fingers, which the glue will probably have dried out.

Solutions to dry the varnish well

If your varnish is applied incorrectly, it may be because you have been in too much of a hurry or you have chosen a varnish that does not dry well.

To speed up drying, avoid using a hot hair dryer, which rather "melts" the varnish than anything else. Prefer the technique of hands in cold water , after allowing the varnish to dry naturally for a few minutes.

Our tip for properly applying your nail polish Our tip for properly applying your nail polish