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The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).

The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).

Getting your toenails right is a big deal technique!

For a long time I cut them in a semicircle.

You too ? Be careful, because this is the best way to get an ingrown toenail.

And that really hurts!

Luckily, my podiatrist taught me how to properly trim my toenails easily.

Since I use his trick, no more ingrown nails.

The thing you need to know? Just give them a square shape and not in a semicircle. Watch:

The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).

  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Why does it work?
  • Precautions

How to

1. Disinfect your nail scissors with 70° alcohol.

2. With a marker, draw a line on the nail where it emerges from the skin on the right to the other end of the nail on the left.

The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).

3. The nail should form a right angle.

The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).

4. Cut the part above the line with your nail scissors.

The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).

5. Repeat with the other nails.

The Tip For Cutting Your Toenails (And Avoiding Ingrown Toenails).


There you go, you now know how to easily and quickly cut your toenails :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

It is particularly effective in avoiding an ingrown nail on the big toe.

This is a fairly common problem among walkers and athletes.

Not only does it hurt, but it can also degenerate into mycosis.

The thing to remember is that nails should not be rounded.

Unlike your fingernails, toenails should be square .

It's a little less pretty, it's true!

But this prevents the nail from getting under the skin. And this, even if the angle of the nail is very prominent.

This way you can continue to walk regularly and run without pain.

Additional advice

- It is best to cut your nails after bathing or showering. They are thus less hard , because they are softened.

- Put yourself in a well-lit place and do not hesitate to put on your glasses!

- Finally, nail scissors are probably the easiest tool to use. In general, we all have them at home.

But you can also use a suitable nail clipper to make a clean and precise cut. This instrument is very practical if your nails are thick. On the other hand, the nail clipper is not really suitable for this use.

- Also avoid crushing the cuticles too much. They could become infected.

- And finally, do not use sharp instruments to clean the dirt under the nails. Choose a blunt tip nail cleaner.

- It is also advisable to wear wide shoes that do not compress the toes.

- As soon as you can, wear open shoes or better yet, stay barefoot!

- Preferably wear cotton socks and take care of your feet!

Why does it work?

Nails cut this way form a 90° angle .

This right angle protrudes from the edge of the toe by a few millimeters.

The nail cannot thus sink into the flesh of the big toe around the nail.

This prevents injury and infection.


If you can't cut your nails properly, for example because you can't bend down, or you're pregnant...

You have to ask another person to help you.

Or go straight to a podiatrist .