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Geode hair:coloring that looks like precious stones

Atypical colorations are not lacking. After the blorange, the rainbow hair and the color that changes according to the temperature, we thought it would be difficult to do more original. And yet! Cheri Choi, a hairstylist at the Benjamin Arts District American salon in Los Angeles, used her imagination to find a geode-like color. Diverted recently, this rocky cavity lined with crystals has become trendy:geode manicure, geode lips and even geode cake, the variations are multiple and the result often spectacular!

Shades of blue, mauve and pink

But how do you give your hair the look of precious stones? Cheri Choi delivers her technique:“The hair is first lightened, then bleached to eliminate yellowish reflections. When they are completely dry, the amethyst purple color is applied to half the lengths, followed by a moonstone color on the ends,” she tells Refinery29 . The hairdresser then emulsifies everything with her hands to mix the colors. The result:a pretty ombré composed of iridescent shades of blue, mauve and pink, reminiscent of amethyst, a variety of violet quartz. Soft and subtle, this color is ideal for those who want to stand out this summer!