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Shampoo, conditioner, mask… Which hair routine to adopt?

Shampoo, why have a hair routine?

As with the face, hair needs regular care. Like the make-up remover that eliminates impurities and the cream that hydrates the skin, the shampoo and conditioner cleanse and nourish the scalp and the lengths. Adopting a hair routine therefore makes it possible to limit excess sebum, while fighting against ends that dry out too quickly. It also guarantees healthy, healthy hair! However, your best friend's hair routine will not necessarily suit you. This is why it is important to adapt your care to the nature of your hair. If you have, for example, particularly damaged ends, it can be effective to make an oil bath, while greasy hair will need a clay mask.

Shampoo, conditioner…:how to apply them?

A hair routine is made up of several products. Generally, we use a shampoo, a conditioner also called "conditioner", a conditioner, and for particularly damaged hair, a treatment with proteins. However, it is recommended to use your shampoo only once or twice a week. If you want to space it out by a few days, start with one day, then two, then three. You can also alternate with a dry shampoo. This step should help moisturize and cleanse the hair. It is also important to massage the scalp well. The conditioner can, for its part, be used with each wash to help detangle the lengths. However, read the composition carefully and avoid products with sulfates and silicones. If you have fine hair, apply only to the ends. To revitalize your hair in depth, opt for a moisturizing mask. You can apply it once or twice a month. However, if you tend to use a hair dryer or straightener often, it is best to do a mask once a week.

New:pre-shampoo treatment, “reverse poo”

It is quite possible to do a treatment before a shampoo. If you have damaged, dull, brittle hair, you can perform a mask or an oil bath, once a week. In this case, use a natural vegetable oil, preferably organic. Castor oil is particularly effective in combating hair loss, while coconut oil is recommended for dehydrated hair. Moreover, the new trend is “reverse poo”. After the "no poo" madness, this new hair routine, straight from the US, recommends using your conditioner first, then your shampoo. This would make the hair lighter and softer. Now it's up to you to test and find the routine that suits you best!