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Make a brushing with a straightening iron

A few tips before you start

For your brushing to be perfect, you have to put all the chances on your side. It is therefore important to prepare your hair well. If you want to avoid frizz as soon as humidity appears, apply specific care to your hair after your shampoo. Do not hesitate to regularly moisturize and nourish the lengths and ends with vegetable oils. Jojoba oil and coconut oil are very effective, especially on wavy and curly manes. You can also do masks or oil baths once a week. After using your straightener, also apply a moisturizing veil or serum to protect the ends. Be aware that you should not abuse the straightener too much. It is not recommended for daily use.

How to do a smooth brushing?

After shampooing using a mild hair product, towel dry your hair. This pre-drying step is important to avoid subsequently damaging the hair fiber due to the heat. You can apply a special brushing care on the lengths. Then comb your hair with a brush, and place your parting where you want it. Then blow-dry your hair. If you want a beautiful volume, you can put the head upside down to take off the roots. Once your hair is dry or very slightly damp, you can start the straightening operation! Separate your hair into several parts between the top and the bottom, the front and the back. Then raise the upper part using crocodile clips. Leave the locks of the neck and sides free. To have a homogeneous set, it is important to take wicks of the same size. Start by passing the straightener over the first strand, giving a loose movement that takes off the roots. Repeat with the other strands, then do the same gesture on the upper parts. You only have to go through the straightener once, otherwise you risk burning the fiber.

How to make a wavy brushing?

Wavy hairstyles are trendy, especially when sunny days arrive. The wavy blow-dry, also called "American", is ideal for giving movement to flat hair. It is suitable for both long hair and short haircuts. If it is more complicated to achieve than the smooth version, the stylers make it easy to make pretty waves. As before, pre-dry and dry. Also separate your hair into several parts. Then start by taking a wick, and slightly twist the straightener inside to give a wavy effect. Do the same all over the hair. You can then run your hand over it to give it a wrinkled and natural look. To finish, apply a fixing spray.