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Curly hair:5 sexy hairstyle ideas with a curling iron

Glamorous curly hair with a curling iron

Do you dream of curly hair worthy of a movie star? The cascade of curls is made for you! This hairstyle, very simple to achieve, will give you a very elegant vintage side. To achieve this hairstyle, you just have to backcomb your roots and then curl strands of your hair, for 5 seconds, towards the inside of your face. The ideal is to curl only the lengths of your hair. The roots should remain smooth. To break the too artificial effect of your freshly made curls, take a wide-tooth comb and then comb your locks. Next, draw a side parting to place the hair on the opposite side. Secure the hairstyle with clips.

Surfer style curly hair with a curling iron

If you're feeling in a wilder mood, opt for pretty natural waves. To achieve this hairstyle, you need a curling iron with a large diameter. Wrap fairly thick locks around the iron halfway up, wait a bit for the device to work miracles. Do not forget to alternate the positioning of the iron between two locks:once towards the inside of your face, another time towards the outside. You will thus obtain a wavy effect, very natural. Slightly mess up the waves with your fingertips.

Hippy chic curly hair with a curling iron

To achieve this hairstyle, you must proceed in the same way as for the wavy waves. Once you have blurred your waves, make two braids in the ear of wheat that you bring back to the back of your head. Secure everything with bobby pins and finish with a veil of hairspray. This hairstyle is sophisticated yet casual.

Tight curls with a curling iron

This hairstyle is quite long to perform. It adapts very well to short and mid-length hair. Long hair will not be able to achieve the same result. You need a fine curling iron for this hairstyle. Before curling the hair, apply a styling mousse to your wet hair. Dry them then curl small strands of hair from the tip to the root. Once your hair is curled, brush your hair upside down.

Pretty curled lengths with a curling iron

This hairstyle is for anyone with long hair. It is very difficult to obtain a satisfactory result on this type of hair. Nevertheless, if you dream of a beautiful mane of goddesses, delicately curled at the ends, follow our advice! On dry hair, apply a heat-protective cream to the lengths, then brush your hair to smooth it. If necessary, use a flat iron. Separate your hair into several strands and curl the ends of your hair.