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How to use alum stone on hair?

What is alum stone?

Also called crystal stone or "potassium alum" in scientific terms, alum stone is known to regulate perspiration and sweat odors. However, like most natural products, alum stone does not have just one property and can be used to cleanse your hair. How? 'Or' What ? Thanks to its astringent (it tightens pores), antibacterial and haemostatic (it stops minor bleeding) properties, crystal stone is the ally of oily skin and oily scalps. It is generally very well tolerated by sensitive skin. Used as an anointing on the scalp or mixed with your shampoo, it allows you to space out the washes and thus find less rough lengths. But beware:to make the most of the benefits of this mineral, look carefully at the labels! It is about choosing a natural mineral. The only ingredient needed is 'potassium alum', not to be confused with 'ammonium alum', a synthetic version of crystal stone.

How to use it?

You have several ways to use your alum stone on hair. Only one prerequisite:use powdered alum stone, sold in organic stores, pharmacies or online for a few euros. Used as a hair mask for about fifteen minutes, alone or in combination with other ingredients, crystal stone powder absorbs sebum and cleanses the scalp. To be repeated once a week, twice a week or with each shampoo in the attack phase. Another option:mix a teaspoon of alum stone powder with your shampoo when washing. Leave on for 2 to 3 minutes before rinsing. Always shampoo twice when you have oily hair, and don't use too much shampoo at once. If you have dry lengths, add a dash of argan oil or aloe vera gel to your second shampoo. Swap your fluid conditioner for a mousse. For those in a hurry, use alum powder as a dry shampoo:sprinkle your scalp with a mixture of alum stone and talc, massage with your fingers for a minute, then comb through.

Other tips to beautify your hair naturally?

Daily, you can spray alum stone on the hair. There is alum stone already packaged in a bottle. Simply fill the bottle with water (if possible mineral) to dissolve the crystals. We also take the opportunity to spray the product on the skin, as a facial treatment.