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Beauty:doing less for more results is possible! #1

Remove eye makeup

• Everything we do (or not):we use our facial cleanser (milk, gel) and we end up with Fantomette's mask. We show off with an eye make-up remover + a very soft cotton ball and… we rub our peepers as if we wanted to unhook our pupils. Sometimes we even go to bed directly with our doe eyes (and that's it!).

• What we should do:Embrace Grandma's saying, "I care about it like the apple of my eye" and treat her smoldering gaze with the utmost sensitivity. A cotton pad is generously soaked with a specific make-up remover. We put it on the eye and we wait for the product to soak the eyelashes:the mascara is easier to remove. We don't rub! No ! Gently stretch the cotton out. And we start again with another disc until it is clean.

• Why it's better:the eye contour is super fragile. The more you rub or, on the contrary, the less you remove make-up, the more you sensitize it =it ages faster and it is subject to irritation (=Bibi-les-yeux-rouges).

• The right frequency:every evening if your eyes are made up.

Clean up your face

• Everything we do (or not):we wash our face with our shower gel or with Marseille soap (that strips well, that, Madame!), we use a single cotton ball and we throw it away with the immense satisfaction to see how saaaale it is. We rub our noses like we scour our sink (but why so much hatred?)! We don't use a toner and we get annoyed at having tight skin.

• What we should do:the skin needs to be cleansed, yes, but gently. If you treat it with too much energy or not enough attention, it reacts (not crazy, the wasp):redness, pimples, fine lines, irritation, dehydration. We use a milk:we gently massage it to remove the dirt then we remove it with cotton, making a movement from the inside to the outside. We start again until the last disc is immaculate, a sign that the skin is clean. Same fight with micellar lotion, which is applied directly to cotton. If you use a foaming gel or an oil, you (also) take the time to massage the face. And rinse before patting dry. Whatever the product, we conclude with a tonic lotion or a spray of thermal water (which we do not let dry on the skin =it dehydrates).

• Why it's better:cleansing is the very first beauty and anti-aging gesture for the face. It is impossible to have beautiful skin if it is asphyxiated by dirt.

• The right frequency:every night, whether you wear make-up or not (dirt, pollution, dust do not evaporate on the pillow). In the morning, we leave his skin alone:​​the brave man has worked all night to reconstitute his hydro-lipid film, this is not the time to skin him. A spray of lotion is enough before the hydration + make-up routine.

Creaming her face

• Everything we do (or not):we spread quickly by spreading the cream in all directions (spinning top in another life?). We stop at the chin (a neck? what neck?). We put tons of it, or not enough, and just on the cheeks.

• What you should do:on dry, clean skin, distribute a dab of cream between the face, chin, cheeks and neck. We make it penetrate with a light massage (the skin loves it and the circulation too):we make circular movements with the fingertips, from the inside of the face outwards. On the neck, we face gravity and we go up, from the base towards the chin. Bonus:we include the neckline, an equally fragile area (or even more =as it supports the chest, there is no question of dropping it).

• Why it's better:massage in the right amount of product, it allows the skin to breathe and makes it easier to apply and hold the make-up.

• The right frequency:every morning. In the evening, two schools:you can adopt a night cream or a lighter serum. You can also sleep with your skin bare, to let it work on its own. We test to see which solution works best. You can also alternate if you feel the need. In short:you learn to listen to your skin.